Little Halloween pt. 4

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🎃 Halloween Special 👻
Part Four

As Yunno stumbled onto the porch of the old home they quickly looked back to see the three waving and cheering them on. They giggled and smiled. However the little was too excited to notice those on the streets who clearly were bothered by them, talk it and pointing at them. Some were children, others were teens. There was even a few adults who seemed to shame them from a distance. The group tried their best to keep Yunno excited in hopes that they would not noticed the commotion it was starting. They knocked on the door, seeing as the door bell wasn't there. They stepped back and allowed the door to have space to open. A smile spread across their face as it did and a women came who seemed in her late thirties. She looked so nice and sweet. she reminded them of their mother.

" Trick or Treat! " Yunno chanted excitedly, muffling the words out from behind the Paci in their mouth. They even held the back out for the women.

The women stared at them in disbelief, disgust even. Nat ran across the yard in hopes of reaching the situation before it got bad, however it was too late by the time she could even get close.

" What is this some kind of joke!? This is disgusting! " the women yelled at Yunno.

They were taken aback by her tone and yelling. She looked so nice and sweet.

" Just because you're dressed like a child and act like one doesn't mean you are one. You're a pedophile aren't you!? Stay away from my kids and everyone else's! Better yet get out of here before I call the cops! " she shouted, gaining the attention of all who was on the street.

Natasha punched the women in the face, but by then the damage had been done, Yunno took the Paci from their lips nd jumped off the porch. They were for sure out of little space now. They couldn't stop crying either. They jiggled the handle of the car door repeatedly, growing more rough with it the more tears that fell from their eyes. They never meant harm, they just wanted to have fun like everyone else.

Nat had caught up with Yunno a few moments later. She sadly unlocked the car door, watching as they shot into the back seat and curled up. The goddess and Clint were giving the women, and anyone else who decided to speak up, a piece of their mind. Nat slipped into the drivers seat and moved to look at Yunno. She felt awful, maybe this really was a bad idea after all.

" I'm sorry little bug, " she whispered softly. Though the female only got a sob in response.

" It's okay, I'm here, None of that was true bug, " she spoke softly and gently as she slipped into the back seats along with the regressor.

Natasha had spent enough time around them they she knew what helped calm then and caused them to regress. Being called bug was one of their favorite things. It felt like it never would get old. She sat on the floor as she pulled Yunnos head to where chest. She cradled them the best she could and played with their hair to help comfort them. Their cries slowly calmed down as they slipped back into little space, as much as they didn't want to do so.

" How about we go buy what ever candy we can find and watch movies for the rest of the night? We can cuddle too, Lance can even come, " she suggested, still keeping her tone low.

Yunno sniffled and hesitantly moved to look up at her. For some reason they felt like she was gonna yell at them for causing such a scene like this. They wished it never happened.

" 'ance? " they mumbled out, hiccuping a little from how hard they had been crying.

" Yes, Lance. She's your favorite stuffie right? " Nat smiled happily at them, happy they looked to be in a better mood.

" Yea, bestest stuffie, " Yunno giggled out quietly.

They tried to suck in their thumb, but Nat soon replaced it with their Paci instead. As the other two returned she let Clint drive instead. Yunno sat between Loki and Nat, they both gave the little lots of loves and cuddles to help cheer them up more. They seemed to have slipped younger than they had been earlier from the events.


As promised they bought out every piece of candy they could find in four stores they went to. It actually ended up being a lot more than they thought it would. Good thing it's Tony's money. Yunno had gotten a new stuffie, it's a bat with pink ears and wings. They named it Pinky because if the color. The four watched little friendly Halloween movies and specials until they had all fallen asleep on the couch.

The rest of the team had come back to Clint passed out and sprawled out comfortably on his own couch, Nat, Yunno, and Loki on the one in the middle of the living room while the tv slowly timed out and turned off. Yunno laid sleeping quietly, and clinging to their stuffies, across Natasha's and Lokis lap. The two cgs had fallen asleep as well, Nat leaning against Loki while Loki rested her head back against the couch.

" And you were worried the tower would explode when we came back, " Wanda teased Tony.

" To be fair, we did leave Clint and Natasha alone in the tower, " Banner pointed out before disappearing down the hallway.

" See! I'm not crazy! " Tony huffed out inky to be shushed by Thor.

" They're sleeping so nicely, " the god pouted childishly.

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