Little Bubble Baths

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Yunno had woken up on their own, not that they minded much. They felt gross, and sleepy... and definitely hungry too. They cuddled Lance close to their chest and rolled over to face the window. The nice thing is no one could see in, both because of height and because the windows are super cool. They watched the things outside, not that it was much, but it helped wake them up more. Once they were sure they were awake they carefully slipped off the bed. They shivered from how cold the flooring was under their bare feet. They definitely regretted not wearing socks to bed.

Sure, it's weird, but it kept them warm. Yunno took a moment to get used to the cold air of the room before getting down fully and waddling off to the bathroom. It took them awhile, and asking Jarvis may questions, but they manage to figure out how to get the bath and shower to work. They couldn't decide if they wanted to shower or take a bubble bath. They sat on the floor mat in the room, pouting before giving into the obvious choice. Who could go against bubbles? They're great and fluffy. They wished they would be gotten some bath toys while they were at the store.

Oh well, it's too late now. The quiet little watched the bath tub fill up with water and bubbles. The bubbles that firmed made them giggle. There's so many! They picked some up and blew them towards Lance. Gigggles bursted out of them as they stuck the the multi colored stuffie. They hugged her close to their chest and turned off the tub. They realized, thankfully, that they probably needed clothes and a towel first. They carefully got up off the ground and made their way back to the bedroom. Their tall frame trembled from the contraating cold room.

The bathroom is so much warmer than the bedroom. They quickly picked out some comfy smol clothes and ran back to the bathroom. They set the clothes on the bathroom counter and Lance on the towel, since it was close to the bath. They didn't want anything to happen to Lance. She's their first stuffie in many many years. As a result they've found themselves very attached to her already. They removed their clothes and slipped into the warm bath. As soon as they did they happily played with the bubbles. Yunno stuck them in their hair, giggling happily. Even gave themselves a beard with them. They sank into the water until it reached their chin.

The water is warm, and it felt safe. They really liked baths, not that many can blame them. They didn't really fit in the tub though, sadly. They made it work though!

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