Little Thanksgiving pt.2

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🦃 Thanksgiving special 🦃
Part Two

Hours later Yunno yanked themselves out of the room. As much as they didn't want to admit it, they're hungry. However the thoughts of the holiday made them really anxious and uneasy, plus body image issues through the roof. It wasn't even gender dysforia that affected them half the time, it was just common body dysforia. Even though Yunno knows it's common, it didn't take how much it affected them away. They were so used to others pointing out how much they weighed or what they looked like. Thanksgiving always seemed to make it worse.

The little peeked around the corner of the common room. Lance tightly pressed to their chest as they watched all the people in the room. Steve, Natasha, and Banner were making food. Bucky was bothering Steve while Sam was trying to get him to go over to the tv and couches across the room. Tony was standing to the side out of the eat watching and drinking coffee. Wasn't it too late for coffee? Yunno wanted coffee now. Super sweet coffee with looottss of sugar. It sounded super good. They chewed on their paci and peeked over to the tv and couches. Clint took up a whoollee couch while Loki was reading on the couch across from him. Thor was bothering them. It made Yunno pout. Why couldn't Thor leave Loki alone? On the couch in front of the tv Wanda sat playing some game on the tv. Yunno didn't know games, so they didn't really know what was being played. Vision was playing with her, though he seemed confused about how to play.

They giggled quietly and waddled a little closer. Everyone seemed to ignore them as they had. They eventually plopped onto the floor next to the couch in front of the tv. They hugged Lance close and watched the tv with amazement. The game looked so fun. It had blocks and cute animals. They wanted to play too! Though, they were too scared to say something. They hadn't even realized they had moved their far out from their hiding spot. Not that they were all that hidden, even now. They always forgot how big they really were when they were deep in little space.

Vision had noticed Yunno first, mostly because they had been sitting closest to him. He didn't say anything, tried to, but go elbowed. He set the controller down in the arm rest and went to go help with the chaos in the kitchen. Yunno looked at the controller curiously and even yoinked it from it's spot. They messed with the controller, pushing buttons and trying to get it to do all the cool things that Vision could do. It grabbed the attention of Loki and Thor. Clint was too busy sulking in hunger on the couch. It wasn't too surprising.

" Hey, yunno, do you want me to show you how to play? " Wanda spoke up.

They jumped slightly and whimpered, hugging Lance while dropping the controller. She frowned gently at them and see her controller on the coffee table. Loki seemed to very obviously be watching her like a hawk. She went over and picked up the controller Yunno had dropped.

" You're okay honey, why don't you come sit with me and I'll show you okay? I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise, " she spoke softly towards them.

They say there for a little longer before nodding slowly. She seemed to light up at the answer. She helped them up then sat back onto the couch. Yunno curled up in the corner of the couch. Wanda was gentle as she showed them how to use the controller and how to play. She was surprisingly patient with them. They kept getting frustrated with the controller, never having played video games didn't help either. They were sheltered as a kid, their daddy didn't help that either.

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