Little Safety Plans

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Little safety plan

So, after yet another attempt by the ex boyfriend and cg that was Juan, the team tried to come up with ways to hide Yunno. With the new complex being built and things being transferred over plus with SHIELD being all over then place, it was not easy to find a place to keep them. Then, finally, the two obnoxious gods proposed an idea that they hadn't even considered before.

" What about a trip to Asgard?" Thor proposed.

" Brother, that is a terrible idea you know how father is," Loki sighed.

" Wouldn't it be nice though? Show them around, time for just us three.. hmm, father would also be pleased to have a casual visit from you instead one asking for punishment," Thor spoke, rolling his eyes over his final statement.

Loki only grumbled in response. Yunno wasn't really paying attention. They were just playing on the floor with Lance and various other stuffies.

" I could just hide them as quickly regular child, or high school student even. Vision and I could keep an eye on them and live as an average family for the most part. Obviously, just until we figure this fully out," Wanda proposed instead. Loki and Natasha partly favored the gods proposal instead.

Yunno shot up at the idea of being away from either. They waddled themselves over and clung to Loki, tears filling their eyes.

" We could try something else. What about Loki and Natasha?" Tony suggested. " Yunno is much more attached to them."

Wanda looked sad, but nodded. She crossed her arms over her chest, only to smile when Vision laid a hand onto her shoulder.

" I apologize Wanda, but I'd have to agree with Tony. Yunno would be at much more ease in an environment where two people they're most attached to are with them," Vision spoke up.

" It's settled then. While the housing and everything is being set up, Thor and Loki will take Yunno to Asgard. They'll be hidden as a teenager, assuming they can hold an appearance like that.. " Tony trailed off, glancing to the little who was mostly asleep in Loki's arms as usual.

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