Little Winning

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Okay so, it turns out that opening the elevator doors to the common area floor with a sobbing Yunno was a very VERY bad idea. The entire group learned this lesson as they walked over to the couches without the little. Loki carried Yunno as they cried from pain. The God just opted to use some magic to ease the pain. Tony was scolding most of the group while Loki was yelling at his brother, not that it was anything new. However, it was a scary turn how furious the God of mischief was towards the God of thunder. While the anger and resentment wasn't anything new, this kind of anger was.

" I was told it was helping the child," Thor argued sadly.

" They were obviously in pain!" Loki shouted angrily.

" They're strong.."

" They're a mortal child Thor! MORTAL!"

The two gods fell silent with a huff from Loki. Wanda quietly shuffled over and gave Yunno back their stuffie. They both smiled at each other, though the littles smile was much weaker. Lance calmed them down, as she always does. She is the best stuffie ever. Loki carefully sat down with Yunno in his lap, clinging back just as much as they clinged into him. Neither clearly minded it too.

" I can't believe you guys! They're in no condition to walk," Tony scolded the group angrily.

However, after the words had been spoken, Yunno was distracted by Steve. The soldier awkwardly sat at the opposite end of the couch clearly pretending to read on a tablet. They slowly reached out, but didn't have long enough arms. Loki hesitated, but trusted Yunno enough to rely on their judgement.

" Steve?" Loki huffed out.

The blonde looked up with a confused expression. His eyes fell into Yunno who was pouting and holding a hand out towards them. He slowly, hesitantly, shifted closer to the pair. He remained decently far away out of fear Loki wouldn't change his mind and punt him, not that anyone would blame the God.

" Hi," Yunno ships quietly before offering Lance. He looked sad, and Lance always made them happy.

Steve glanced back and forth between Lance and Yunno. Eventually, he took the stuffie. He placed it beside himself before hearing the mentally younger huff. He huffed back, pouting as he placed the stuffie into his lap. He held the tablet in front of Lance and seemed to go back to what he had been doing.

" Little bother sads" Yunno pouted towards Loki before burying their face into his chest. It made the God smile and gently pet their hair.

" Is that so? " he questioned, only getting a nod in reply. It wasn't a huge deal, he was used to how quiet they were by now. " Well, it was sweet of you to try and help," Loki would praise with a soft hum.

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