The End

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" I hate you! "

Yunno shot up from their sleep. They panted heavily and ran their hand through their hair.  It felt so weird to have nightmares outside of little space. Was that a nightmare? It felt so much more real than that. They finally noticed the yelling outside the door of their room. They found it so weird. Those who lived in the tower were always so good about being quiet when they were sleeping. They sleepily rubbed their eyes and slid from the bed. At this point they felt fuzzy, a way they described being stuck between little and big space.

They opened the door of the bedroom to see an angry Tony, Natasha, and Steve. They assumed Steve said the hateful words towards Tony. Nat seems to just be trying to calm Steve down before he punches Tony's face in. Yunno knows Tony can be a little too.. well Tony, but this is a little extreme. They rubbed their eyes before finally making their presence known to the small group.

" Tony? " they asked the first person that came to their mind.

Of course, it's the person they tended to be the most attached to. Well, besides Loki.

" Why are you up kid? Sorry, did we wake you? " Tony asked as he focused onto them.

Steve looked ready to explode from Tony switching up so easily. It's how he always was to Yunno to be fair. They struggle for softly in response to the questions. Their eyes fell to their feet. The flooring seemed to have some sort of odd glow. it felt familiar, but they weren't really sure how or why. Their memory was never the greatest when in Little Space to be fair.

" Yunno... are you doing that? " Steve spoke up.

His anger is now replaced with disbelief. It surprised them. They shifted and followed the eyes of the three. That's when the memories hit them. The portal that took them to this comforting place to begin with. Since they arrived they've found comfort in new things. Like the DC Universe and Voltron, some kid shows like my little pony. They've grown to find comfort in them.

" Nononono-" Yunno mumbled as they backed up into the group.

" What's wrong? "

" That's the thing that brought me here that's what's wrong! " they yelled at Natasha's seemingly dumb question.

She huffed at them in response to it. Tony watched it curiously, seeming to analyze it with that odd brain of his. They're surprised it hasn't gotten him killed yet. Steve on the other hand is just frozen in place. He looked almost scared of the portal.

" Does this mean is gonna take you home? "

" I can't go back! " they yelled, shocking the group.

Of all the time Yunno has spent there they've hardly raised their voice at anyone. They hated yelling at people or in general. They know how awful it feels to be on the receiving hand, so why do it? They watch at the bed goes flying into the portal. Soon it began to suck things into it. They were scared. They couldn't go home, not yet! They've built such a life here now. They couldn't stop crying as it pulled them in. It seemed to have a stronger hold on Yunno than anything else it accidentally grabbed. They yelped as their socked feet slid against the floor. They're body slammed into the floor. As soon as they hit the floor they began to slid against it and towards the portal. Their heart pounded in their chest as they desperately tried to grab onto something, anything.

Tony grabbed their right arm, Steve managed to grab their left. Though, they were sliding to. Natasha tried her best to help. Yunno knew that when they first went through, none of the stuff they weren't touching made it through. Did it destroy everything ur grabbed by accident then? what would happen if one of them fell in? They couldn't risk that. An Avenger dying because they were too scared to go home felt ridiculous and far too much to handle.

" Let go! " they suddenly ordered the three.

They stared at them in shock.

" But-" Tony attempted to chime in.

" Just do it! Please.. If- if one of you fall through it, it might kill you. We don't know what'll happen! Just please, " Yunno cried out to the three.

Steve was quick to accept and let go. He's always disliked them. They've never known why. Natasha shoved Steve aside and down the hallway to grab the arm he was once holding.

" I need to face my fears, even if it means I gotta go home, just please. I don't want you guys to get hurt.. you're my family, " they told them honestly.

The two faulter. None of them wanted to let go of them, but yet here Yunno is begging for them to because they're scared they couldn't even go through it with them. They just had such a gut feeling that they couldn't. They didn't know how to describe it. Nat let go. Tony, he was trying not to cry, but he did to. As Yunno slid across the flooring, definitely getting carpet burn from it, their bag fell into their face. They wrapped their arms around it and braced themselves.

The second they were sucked onto the portal it closed. The room was a mess. A whole wall was missing behind were the portal had been. Tont stood there in shock while Natasha just sat on the floor in defeat. Apart of them hoped they'd see them again, but deep down they had a feeling they never would see them again.

" What are we going to tell Loki? " Nat spoke up more I'm a tone that was a whisper.

" I don't know, " Tony told her.

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