Big Confused

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" 'M sorrys!!" 

The two stood there, unable to even process or put words to what just happened. The words, did not come from Yunno. Though, they had to question if it did for several minutes. 

" That is not funny Steve," Tony finally spoke, bluntly and irritated. 

Yunno didn't know how to process it, though it was the last straw to pull them out of little space. It had felt like months since they had last been out of the headspace, especially fully. However, there was a valid reason as to why. They weren't upset about it at all. Really, they are confused. It felt like Steve is mocking them, but apart of them knew it wasn't the case. Hearing the male sniffle, they jumped up to their feet and made their way over to him. Steve flinched from their shadow over them, which made them flinch in response. They sighed and kneeled down in front of him. 

" Here, hug Lance. She'll give you lost of loves, okay?" they offered. 

Their tone is soft, though mostly masculine. They rarely spoke, so when they did they were rusty with volume control. Steve looked up to them, giving a small hiccup before taking the friendly stuffie into his arms. Yunno smiled and gently took the cup from his hands. The cup was juice, which now put more pieces together as to what had been going on. Steve had been age dreaming, and it was likely that Tony triggered him to fully regress. 

" Are you seriously taking this seriously? Yunno he's mocking you!" Tony yelled. 

Steve flinched, upsetting them further. They now understood why Steve struggled with his headspace and lashed out on them in response. It saddened them to think about how much he must deny his headspace or got attacked for it. They sighed softly and gently ruffled Steve's blonde hair. It felt surprisingly soft. They had not been expecting it to be so soft in the slightest. 

" He's not," they huffed with annoyance at Tony. 

" Yes! He is! He's done nothing but be cruel to you because of your headspace!" 

Yunno rubbed their forehead and moved to stand up fully. Steve looked up from Lance, tears dripping from his blue eyes. Eyes that were so pretty it almost scared Yunno. They closed their own for a few seconds as they took a deep breath and let it out softly. 

" 'm sorrys, mes was bads," Steve mumbled out. 

They opened their eyes and looked down to him. He was looking at the floor, only to hide his face into Lance. The small action made them smile, though sad. They forgave him, honestly. They ran their fingers through his hair a few times, watching as his shoulders fell and his body relax from it. It was so cute, and Yunno didn't normally have thoughts of being a caregiver. Steve, honestly, made their mind thing differently for once. 

" Yes, you were," Tony huffed at him. 

" Enough, he clearly was just lashing out because he was scared of his headspace. I already forgave him Tony," they spoke as they glared at him. 

Tony pressed his lips together and looked away from them. They hated making him feel upset, or anyone really, but in this case he needed the stubborn male to understand that Steve was not doing anything wrong, or hadn't meant to anyways. They didn't really know how to word it the more they thought about it. 

" Hey Steve? Why don't you show me what little gear you have in your room, okay?" they offered, breaking the silence and small sniffles that escaped the currently regressed Steve. 

The other blonde looked up to Yunno. His blue eyes held an excited spark, though he was obviously still upset over everything. They responded with a warm smile, trying their best to make him feel comfortable. Maybe even happy. 

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