Little Christmas

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🎄Christmas Special🎄
Part One

Yunno jumped right out of bed as the sun began to rise. They excitedly jumped around the room with Lance in their arms. After they hurried and got dressed into something else, but something still very comfortable. Once they were in clean close and had remade their bed the sun was fully up. They giggled wildly before opening their bed room door and running down the hallway to Visions. They jumped up and down as they knocked on the door to wake him.

" Vis! Vis! The Suns up! " they giggled out excitedly.

The team had not come back yet, unfortunately for Yunno, they'd have to spend most of the day by themselves without their cgs or their friend. However, they had been getting closer to Vision since they've been gone, so they made a new friend! It worked out well. The human-like robot phased through the door with a very excited look on his face. Yunno wonder how many people forgot that Vision is technically only three. They giffledr and grabbed his hand, pulling him down the hallway and towards the living room.

Once there, the room was nice and toasty. Even a fire was going in the fireplace! It was even still snowing! They let go of Visions hand and ran over to the window. They jumped up and down and pointed out of it at all the snow that fell from the sky. There was so much on the ground! They've never seen so much snow before.

" Snow! "

" I see that, " he chuckled playfully.

Soon, Yunno noticed the tree and the toonnns of presents that now laid under it. They gasped and brought Lance with them as they ran over to the tree. Vision sat down and allowed the little to sort out which ones were for who. Sometimes they had to ask Vision for help, given they often couldn't read well while regressed. Once done they handed Vision his gifts and sat down by theirs. Yunnos pile is huge! It's almost as tall as them, and they're 6'3! They also had a small pile for Lance, which made them super happy that Lance wasn't left out either!

Vision opened his first, which he loved every gift he had gotten. They didn't understand what they were, but Vision reassured them that he really wanted them and needed them. After he finished he encouraged Yunno to go next, which they gladly did. They got all sorts of things! They got some new stuffies of all shapes and sizes and god some super cute deco pacis, even some teethers and sippy cups. They got some blankets too! It was the best Christmas ever! They helped Lance open hers after they finished.

Lance had gotten some clothes that fit her perfectly. Then there was a cute moving closet thing that the clothes can go into, they didn't know what it was called. She had even gotten some shoes and cute jewelry for her to wear. They giggled as they happily dressed Lance.

" I'm going to start on breakfast, " Vision announced before turning on the TV for some quiet sound in the background.

After he had left to make some of that breakfast. It had already been such an amazing Christmas. They're so happy! Though, they really missed their cgs and the rest of the Avengers. Everything seemed so quiet without them. Given how Yunno has gotten so used to how loud they all can be together, it was too quiet without them around.

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