Little Friend

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Yunno jumped slightly as the door to the room opened. There stood a male who stood at 5’7.They… had to look down at him. They stood at 6’3 a whole foot taller than Bucky. Their height is something they’ve always been self-conscious of. Mostly because they didn’t look like any other little. They weren't small little boy or girl. They didn’t dress the way they should or they didn’t even like milk, not even angel milk. Everything about them felt wrong when it came to their little space, all because they weren’t a stereotype. It took quite a few minutes to realize the one in front of him was bucky. They’re sleepy, plus the door hid his arm. 

“ You okay?” he asked. 

They’ve never seen Bucky with his hair tied up. He just wore a hoodie and some jeans. Honestly, it looked like he just worked up too. They sniffle and look back down to their feet. They kinda just wanted to curl up in bed again and hope that the weird glowing circle would take them back home to their daddy. 

“ Okay, I’m gonna take that as a no,” he sighed out. 

Yunno shook their head. They were really close to just sitting on the floor. The awkward male in front of them stood there thinking for some time before finally doing something to break the silence. 

“ Okay, I’m not good with this shit. I have no idea how to help. So how about we just walk around the tower then we’ll bother Steve for lunch?” Bucky offered with a hesitant tone. 

They didn’t really know why they were surprised at his words. They should’ve known he wouldn’t know how to help, or maybe just not be comfortable. Just because they saw them a way in their mind, didn’t mean that's how they actually would be. They nodded in agreement, wiping their face with their arms. Bucky slipped past them and looked around the room. Yunno moved a bit to watch him out of curiosity. They didn’t really understand what he was looking for until he had appeared with a small pile of folded clothing, the ones Yunno had worn when they had yeeted out of the portal. They lit up a bit, only because of the familiarity of the clothing. That and the clothes are their daddy’s, since they weren’t allowed to have their own. They giggled softly and held their hands out for the items. Bucky had a confused look towards Yunno, especially as they grabbed hands for them. 

“ Okay, so these are yours- here. I’ll be outside when you’re done-” 

Yunno nodded softly. They waited until he had closed the door before waddling over to the bed and struggling to figure out how clothes worked. 

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