Little Sick

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The afternoon sun shines right into Yunnos face. They furrowed their eyebrows and rolled over in hopes to escape it. Did they? No, no they did not. As much as they had hoped to they realized they weren't even in their room. They rubbed their eyes, sniffling, as they looked around. They suddenly didn't feel very well. It was strange, they felt fine earlier that morning with Tony. They whined and looked around for Tony, but didn't see him. They weren't sure why they were surprised by it either. They were used to being sick and alone, but this time felt really bad. Yunnos head pounded and their nose ran, their throat hurt, and their stomach turned. They hated how it felt, especially being alone and feeling it.

They began to, reasonably, cry. They hugged Lance and cried their distress out. However, no one came like they normally would. After about an hour of crying they got out of bed. They made their way out if the room, carrying Lance with them. They sniffled and cried quietly from the pain. They stumbled around pretty much. Their vision was blurry and spotty, but they just blamed it on head rush at the moment. It took ages, but they eventually ended up on the common floor. No one but Banner was there. It seemed like everyone was gone for the day, maybe on a mission of some sort. They felt hot and gross. Their vision worsened until they finally collapsed from their fever.


Yunno woke up with a splitting headache and the worst stomach ache. They didn't understand what was wrong. They felt fine when they went to bed with Tony earlier that morning. Now they felt awful. Their eyes scanned around before noticing how familiar the place they were was. They blinked before spotting Banner. He was sitting at a desk doing something. They weren't really sure honestly. They rubbed their eyes and slowly rolled onto their side. They remember being in their room when they first had gotten there. Maybe it's some sort of recovery room? They didn't know.

" Oh hey, you're awake, " Banner spoken up, startling them more than he had honestly meant to.

They nodded slowly before curling up. Yunnos tummy hurt now from moving. They regretted it. The older male seemed to notice and get up. He walked over and handed them some medicine to take, only making the little pout in response.

" I know it tastes bad, but if you take it we can have some ice cream and watch some tv in the living room? " he offered a peace offering.

Yunno pouted for a few moments before nodding in agreement. Ice cream was worth it. They pouted and carefully sat up. Banner was worried, so he helped them sit up too. He watched them take the Medicine then hand him the little cup. They grimaced at the taste and stuck their tongue out.

" I know it tastes bad, but you did good! I'm really proud little one, " Banner praised with a smile.

They blinked at the praise. Despite how gross they felt it made them smile and giggle. It made them so happy, they couldn't even describe it. It felt really nice to be told they made someone proud, even if they felt really yucky. Bruce offered a hand to Yunno, which they gladly took. Even though they really wanted to be carried, they still happily walked with him to the living room. On the couch sat Lance. They lit up and ran over to the couch, tackling the Llama stuffie unto the couch with a giggle.

" Careful Yunno- Do you have a preference in flavor? " Bruce asked as he walked towards the Kitchen to get the ice cream.

" Nuh uh, " Yunno voiced quietly as they cuddled Lance on the couch.

They hoped she'd make the yucky go away faster. She always made them feel better too. They perked up as they heard the freezer open and closed. They watched him curiously for a couple minutes before he had even noticed. Banner seemed to tense once he had noticed them.

" The remotes on the coffee table bear, " he spoke softly and gave a small smile despite his obvious anxiety.

Yunno figured he was scared something would happen and the Hulk would say hello. Or maybe he was just nervous around them in general. They giggled and nodded before looking around for the remote. They didn't feel as small as they had earlier that morning. Then again, they rarely felt very small when they were sick. More kid space when they were sick than little space. They picked up the remote and leaned back onto the couch, pulling their legs to their chest. They turned the tv on and played the first thing they saw, My little Pony.

" Here you go little bear, " Banner spoke as he sat beside Yunno and handed them the bowel.

They giggled and took the bowel. They slowly ate the ice cream, trying not to upset their tummy anymore that their running around already has.

" How are you feeling? "

They shrugged slowly as they watched the TV. They felt tired more than anything now, and sick but that's more of a given. They didn't finished much more of their ice cream before curling up on their side of the couch. Banner gave them a concerned look before adjusting himself.

"Why don't you lay down filly bear? " he suggested in a hesitant, but soft, tone.

Yunno blinkes at him before moving and laying down across the couch. They barely fit in the couch, but they ignored it. They hugged Lance close to their chest as they rested their head on his lap. Their eyes watching the tv quietly again. Bruce watched the TV with them. As he did, he unconsciously played with their hair. The actions soothered Yunno, and eventually sent them straight to sleep.

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