Little Thanksgiving pt.3

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🦃 Thanksgiving special 🦃
Final Part

" There you go! You've got it now! " Wanda praised.

They giggled and smiled at the praise.It made them feel so good. They moved a bit closer to her as they played the game together. She called it Minecraft, at least they're pretty sure that's what she called it. It's really fun, so they didn't mind. After about an hour, Steve had called for them to come eat. Yunno shifted and looked back to the other half of the room. They whimpered at all the food and turned back around to the tv. They sank down in the couch and kept playing the game. Most already went over, Clint was the first one to get there and already was arguing with Thor over food. Wanda stayed with Yunno though, not that they could understand why she had.

" Are you not hungry honey? " Wanda spoke up as she continued to play the game with them.

" 'm scary, " they responded, more focused on the game than anything else once more.

Yunno pulled Lance into their lap and cuddled her as they played the game. They much rather play this than go eat. Honestly, they much rather do anything but eat.

" You need to though Hun, I don't think I've seen you come eat at all today, " Wanda responded in a fairly worried ton.

However, her worry was understandable for the most part. They bit into their bottom lip unconsciously. They didn't even notice, even when it began to hurt.

" Please, Yunno, you need to eat, " she attempted to press further.

Although, her attempts resulted in an unwanted result. For the first time in years, Yunno threw a fit. They broke into tears and cried, screaming loudly and clinging to Lance. Wanda kept trying to get the idea of eating in their mind, but it only made their fit worse. It was more of a tantrum than a fit. Like most tantrums, there was an emotional distress behind it that they just didn't know how to express any other way. Wanda felt awkward, panicking really. She looked over to Natasha, getting a silent permission to do something about it. Loki didn't really give the permission for her to do anything, or more like they were being very overprotective of them today. They seemed to understand their distress better than anyone was.

Wanda gently took Yunno hands and kneeled down on the floor in front of them. They attempted to escape, even tried to hit her a few times. She tooka  deep breath, knowing very well what she had to do but wasn't sure how the little would handle it.

" Yunno, time out, " she told the regressor sternly.

None of the other Avengers stepped in. Loki tried to, but their brother pulled them off to get more food.

" No! " Yunno yelled back at poor Wanda.

She grabbed their arm, gently of course, and pulled them out of the common room. She had them sit in one of the empty rooms in the hallway lead to. She didn't take Lance, that was too cruel for a little. She sat outside the room and against the door, listening to their screaming and crying and even begging for a good hour. Thankfully, Vision was nice enough to save her a plate and even brought it to her to check on the two. By the time she finished eating the room was silent, other than quiet sniffles and whimpers.

She got the courage to open the door again. When she had she saw Yunno curled up by the door and hugging Lance in their arms. They were still crying, but they've obviously calmed down. Wanda sighed with relief. She turned on the lights, assuming they had turned them off, then closed the door behind her. She sat down on the floor next to Yunno.

" Are you okay-" she began to speak, but had gotten cut off by the little hugging her and crying again.

She barely could make out the blubbered out I'm sorrys through the cries. She felt awful, but she didn't want anyone to get but or for them to get hurt either. She smiled and hugged them close. They were mostly laying down, given they are taller than her by a good difference. They rested their head against her chest while she played with their hair to comfort them.

" It's okay honey, I'm not upset. I'm just really worried about you, we all are. Could you tell me why food is so scary? " she asked, hoping her assumptions were correct.

" Makes me yuckys and not pretty, " they hiccuped out.

" Aww, honey, you're the most beautiful, gorgeous, and handsome person I know. I know it's hard to eat, I'm sorry."

" 'm ams? " Yunno sniffled.

" Yes you are, not eating is only gonna make you feel more yucky, " she explained softly.

They nodded. She's probably right anyways, so they might as well listen. They wiped their face with their sleevee and cuddled close to her. Lance was sitting next to Wandas opposite side, safe and sound.

" Do you want my roll? It's really good, " she offered.

Yunnos stomach growled at the thought of food. The noise made Wanda giggle. She adjusted herself and opened the door. she used her magic to grab the roll and bring it to her hand. After, she handed it to Yunno. They sniffed it before nibbling on it. The butter had brown sugar, or something in it they didn't really know but it tasted super good! They took some bigger bites and before they had known it the roll was gone.

" Yummy? " Wanda asked with a chuckle.

" Mhm! " they agreed.

" I'm glad. We're all here for you and love you Yunno. If you ever feel too scared to eat it just is upset come tell us, okay? "

Yunno nodded and yawned. They liked that idea, going to them for help. They were quickly beginning to fall asleep there. She's so comfy and warm, so nice too.

" 'oves yous big sissy, " they mumbled out sleepily.

" I love you too honey, " she responded, trying her best to keep her excitement down.

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