Little Nap

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Yunno watched Bucky take care of the plates, then come back and put a new movie on. It was called Frozen. They've never seen princess movies before, but they really really like them now that they have. They wanted to watch them all! They giggled into he or spot at parts. Bucky had gotten some blankets a little ways in, only because they kept yawning. No matter how much he told them it was okay if they fell asleep they still refused to.

They knew their body still was really hurt and healing so they needed naps, but they don't really want to take naps right now. They're in a world they've always wanted to be in, hanging out with one of their favorite characters. Each time a song would play, Yunno would somehow convince Bucky to sing with them. It made them so happy he couldn't even say no. Tony had asked that they kept Yunno as happy and comfortable as they could, so he didn't want to break the deal. Or maybe there was more to it.

" Pllleeaassee?? " Yunno begged and practically jumped onto Bucky. The last song of the movie was playing.

" Yunno, we already sang aalll the other songs, " he protested.

They broke out the puppy dog eyes. They whined a bit and tugged more on his shirt. They really wanted him to sing with them.

" Fine, " he sighed out in defeat.

" Only because you're adorable and so difficult to say no to, " he pouted.

They giggled at him, and the two sang the last song together. Yunno couldn't even explain how happy they were when they found out there was another Frozen movie. It made them so happy. Of course, they started watching it right after the first movie ended. Yunno still kept close to Bucky, enjoying not being alone for once honestly. They really hated being alone. It's super scary. Their eyes started to feel really heavy. They didn't like it at all. They didn't want to sleep yet. Sleeping so bad cause they'll miss all the movie!

Yunno pouted to themselves. They shifted a bit, feeling Bucky hug them close. He felt really safe. They really liked being able to spend time with him, even if he isn't all that talkative or is just socially awkway. He's still good company, at ley to Yunno. They carefully lean against the smaller, yet much older. After a few minutes they had fallen into a light sleep. They knew they'd be safe there with Bucky, so they let themselves relax.

Bucky carefully laid down, letting Yunno move with him. He watched as they curled up beside him and fell into a deeper sleep. He just made sure the blanket stayed on them and their paci stayed in their mouth as they slept. He didn't really mind their childish ways. He found it somewhat cute. If it made them happy, then it didn't really matter to him. He played with their hair and watched through more movies as Yunno rested. He didn't mind being a cuddle buddy for them.

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