Big Shove

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It was a peaceful sleep, one they always rarely seemed to have. Then again, Bucky's breathing helped. They had their head resting on his chest. Their frame barely fit on the couch with the smaller male. They pretty much were slowly sliding off the couch. They'd probably fall off the couch if they laid there much longer. It was not made for their size, Yunno barely could lay on it without their feet having to be on the armrest. Thankfully, they usually slept mostly curled up anyways.

" You, love birds, get up Tony won't let us eat without you," a voice yelled at them.

Yunno didn't want to get up. They were warm and comfortable, plus they felt like they were starting to slip out. They didn't want to. They weren't sure if it would be good. Their big self tended to be angrier towards people, and with this situation? Stuff might get scary really fast. They didn't like that fact. They groaned softly in protest of the voice. It sounded familiar, but they're too sleepy to put together the dots of who was talking, nor did they even want to make the effort to open their eyes. Bucky shifted awake, almost shoving poor Yunno off the couch.

" I heard food-" Bucky spoke in a sleepy voice.

It made them giggle. He, of course, huffed at them. They found it funny how he responded to the word food out of everything else in that sentence he could've wanted to say something for. He carefully moved, making Yunno whine in protest more to it.

" Come on whiny, I'm starving," Bucky seemed to pout at them.

They'd have to say, they weren't really expecting him to straight-up pout at them. They opened their eyes and looked at a literally pouting Bucky. Yunno pouted back at him. He didn't look that amused by it.

" Aren't you always hungry?" Clint pointed out the quite older male of the three.

Bucky shoved them off the couch without hesitation. Something was off about him, but they weren't sure what it could be. I made them curious, to say the least. They blinked slowly, moving to sit up now that they were on the floor. They weren't really upset about it. They understood why. Yeah, they're definitely feeling bigger by the minute. It almost scared them in a way. Would the others hate them if they were big? They hesitantly pull their pacifier from their lips.

" I guess, is the whole team going to be there? " Bucky asked boredly as he sat up on the couch and stretched.

" Yes, Tony says you can't opt out this time," Clint chuckled as he watched him.

Yunno blinked for a minute, rubbing their eyes before staring at Client for a hot minute. They had realized who he was. They thought it was cool for a whole two seconds before internally panicking. How were they the only ones worried about how they got there? This wasn't their world, as far as they knew none of these people were actually real in their world. Maybe they're in a coma in a hospital or something somewhere.

" Alright, food time," Bucky said, not even acknowledging Yuuno as he got up from the couch.

Clint didn't say much and left before Bucky had. He looked at them on the floor before leaving after he had. They sat there for a few minutes before realizing they didn't know where they had dinner, panicked, then scrambled up to their feet and followed the two men. They stuffed the pacifier into their hoodie pockets as they caught up to them. 

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