Questions and Answers

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I've been receiving a few comments here and there still and I know how messy/confusing this story originally was, so I thought I'd at least end it off with this chapter (+ the ending I had written for it originally!).

So here's some commonly asked questions and their answers. Feel free to comment more questions too and I'll answer :). I'll try to be as clear as I possibly can.

What/Who is Yunno?

Yunno is the replacement I've used for Y/N. I've seen in several insert reader books that people struggle a lot with replacing Y/N. Yunno is what I personally have always changed it to, so it's what I used. Now I know I've scrapped this idea these days, but frankly if enough people ask for me to bring it back I'd be happy to make versions of my books with this edit!

Yunno's pronouns?

Occasionally throughout the story I had accidentally changed them to he/him. I've also seen comments where they've misgendered them. In their story, Y/N (or Yunno) is nonbinary. They use They/Them pronouns. Mistakes had just been made in my writing because I was barely awake or autocorrect had changed it but I didn't notice at the time. At the time I had written this, Google Docs auto correct absolutely hated they/them pronouns 😭.

How old are they?

Yunno is 25 while Juan is 28. Yunno's regression age is written around the ages of 2 to 5 years old. This is because of the ages the Avengers are, so I made sure to make them both as close in age as I was comfortable with at the time.

Are the Avengers real or not?

In the world that Yunno comes from, it's just like ours. They're not real. They're just movies and comics and so on. One day Yunno is transported to a world (or universe) where the Avengers are real people.

Is Yunno aware of their little space?

Most of the time, they are not aware of when they regress. This is not commonly talked about enough, so that's why I had chosen this route. They are aware they regress to begin with, they have since they were in high school. Yunno involuntarily regresses for the most part. This means they're unable to control when they regress, let alone how young.

About Yunno's appearance?

This one's a little more just for fun tbh. The Yunno I've written is your classic blonde and blue eyes, though they have dirty blonde hair. Other than that, they are far from a small little stereotype. Especially within the regression community. They are 6'3 in height and have a healthy muscle mass. They are strong. They also have piercings and tattoos as well :))). Ofc you're always free to imagine them as different, this is just how I intended to write them back then!

The nickname list Yunno gave the Avengers?

Tony 6'1 is just Tony (his request), Steve is scary man, Natasha is mommy, Clint is called by his name, Banner is Ban (he's too nervous to be called anything else), Hulk is tall man, Sam is Uncle or Uncle Sam, Bucky is little or big brother, Thor is uncle, Loki is dada, Wanda is big sis, Pietro is big brother, Peter (p) is little brother, Fiery is eye man, and Colson is col.

Why is Steve so mean to Yunno?

I don't remember if I ever got to this plot point within the story (I've never read this book over), but I'll say it here anyways just in case. The reason that Steve was mean was out of genuine jealousy. He was awful about how to handle it, so he projecteg his feelings onto Yunno. He had felt it was unfair that got to regress and be themselves all the time. He felt this way because he, himself, regressed. Eventually they were planned to work out their differences by the end of the story (and Yunno becomes a sort of mentor to help Steve be more comfortable regressing and so on).

What's the name of the little store they go to?

Unfortunately, it isn't real. As far as I'm aware there isn't a physical store like that in existence :(. I can't tell if this one was joking or not either so I'm sorry if it was 😭🙏.

What does Steve think of little Bucky?

He actually adores little Bucky, ironically. Unlike with Yunno they've shared similar trauma together so he relates and understands on a better level. Besides, he's his best friend so he's a lot more patient. At first, when having found out, he had felt betrayed. He got over this afternoon spending time alone with little Bucky.

The idea behind the ending plan?

It's messy and I don't remember most of it. It doesn't help I didn't write down anything besides the ending itself. The general plan was for the Avengers to help Yunno (I just don't remember how). I won't spoil too much since I do still plan on posting the ending chapter I had found written in my notes LOL.

The idea behind the book?

At the time, I had picked up a massive fixation on the Avengers. I also had been regressing a lot, so things sort of fell into place. This was my first agere story and first actual time writing age regression. While I hate the book now, I do appreciate the people who like it & still comment. It makes me happy that people still get joy out of where I started. The original idea was a oneshot collection that's weaved together into a story itself. Then it sort of took off on its own after I kept getting more ideas.

Will the book be continued?

If it isn't obvious already, no it will not be. I know originally I planned about a year and a half ago to rewrite chapters, fix the story, and finish it. However after fixing the first two chapters I found myself disinterested. After all the time I've come to accept I've just lost my interest in the Marvel Universe. I am thankful and happy for the support people have given me, but for the time being I will not be writing anymore Marvel content. I can't really explain why that is, as I don't know myself. Maybe some day I'll pick this book back up and revamp it. But for now, I'll give y'all a stable enough conclusion.

Thank you again for everything and I hope to find you lurking on my other stories 🫶.

(The ending will be posted later today!)

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