Little Pins

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Yunno excitedly dragged, on accident, Nat through the doors of hot topic. They looked around at all the things inside. Nat tried her best to keep the little from literally bouncing off the walls. It was difficult, but she managed. She still fought many things in her life time so a very energetic little is nothing. Yunno stopped at the pins they had seen from the ice cream shop. They saw all sorts of types. They came across pronoun pins. They loved them. They excitedly showed Natasha the pins. She seemed to understand what they were getting at with them.

" That's a great idea! " she praised and ruffled their hair.

They smiled and giggled happily. Their jumped up and down before looking around for each pronouns they could find. They found one for he/him, she/her, and they/them. They hoped it would be enough. They happily dragged Natasha to the counter and waited for her to pay for them, of course with Tony's money. They took the bag they were placed into then dragged Nat out of the store and back to the book store Loki was in. Yunno looked around before bumming into their back. Loki turned around, about to yell at the two before realizing it was them.

" Oh, sorry about that. Was I in the way of the row? " Loki asked, actually seeming worried about their placement.

Yunno shook their head.

" They got something for you, they're really excited about it, " Nat told them with a chuckle.

" Oh you do now? "

The nodded happily and handed them the bag. They watched as they looked through the bag and at the pins. They seemed confused at first, but then it turned to shock. Or was it happiness? They weren't really sure. They poked their pointer fingers together quietly. They really hoped the god liked them.

" Pronouns.. "

" They're pins, you put them in things so people can see them and know stuff about you, " Natasha explained, alrey distracted with a book she had found on the shelf.

Loki gave a small smile and looked down to Yunno. They tensed a bit. Loki and Thor are the tallest out of the Avengers, also the only ones who are taller than them in any way.

" Thank you, I really do quite love them, " they told them honestly.

Yunno giggled and flapped their sleeved, jumping up and down as they did. They're so happy. They hugged Loki suddenly, surprising the god. Though despite their dislike for physical affection they still hugged them back.

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