Little Adventure

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Yunno spent maybe 20 minutes trying to put their clothes on. They spent another five or so just smelling the clothes. Despite having been washed and repaired, they still smelled like home. More specifically like daddy, but they still weren't that sure if it was a bad or a good thing. Maybe someday they'll figure it out, but for now they think they'll call it a good thing. They really missed home and daddy. Despite how much he hurts them, they knew they probably deserved it. They were bad and daddy was only trying to show Yunno that, right?

They lifted their head with a curious gaze as Bucky knocked on the door again. They pulled themselves off the floor and carefully made their way over to it. Their body hurt so much, it felt awful. They opened the door, being reminded how much their big height was. They've always hates their height. That's why Yunno always sat down or curled up instead. It made them feel better.

" You okay? " Bucky asked hesitantly.

Some of his head had fallened from the bun. It didn't seem like he was that good at tying his hair up. It made them giggle to themselves.

" What are you giggling at? " he huffed playfully, a small smile forming.

" I, Okay, " Yunno giggled out.

" Good, now come on, let's look around and probably end up in the kitchen, " he chuckled out as he opened the door more for Yunno to leave.

The little nodded quietly then slipped passed Bucky. They waited for him to close the door and lead the way. Bucky showed them around various rooms. There were so many rooms and floors, it made Yunno wonder how they didn't get lost. They tripped a few times, but each time the smaller male seemed to have an odd reflex to catch them. They didn't mind, they liked that he made sure they didn't fall and get hurt. It made them feel safe.

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