Little Thanksgiving

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🦃 Thanksgiving special 🦃
Part One

Yunno woke up to odd yelling in the hallway. They were more than confused by the sound, but regardless, they pulled themselves out of bed and looked around for Lance. They refused to go anywhere without Lance. Lance is there best friend! Why would they? They pouted as they noticed Lance wasn't on the bed. She must be playing hide and seek! They giggled and looked around the room, checking the closet, bathroom, then finally checking under the bed. They noticed a small pink llama leg sticking out from under the bed. They quietly creeped up on the stuff is then suddenly grabbed Lance and hugged her. They giggled and fell back onto the floor. It hurt, but only for a little while.

" Got yous! " they giggled loudly and smiled widely.

The door to their bedroom suddenly opened and grabbed the littles attention. Yunno sat up and, out of habit, hid behind the side of the bed. However, Yunno felt smaller than they actually were. It was not difficult to see them, but they didn't realize that fact and probably won't. As the door open they lit up once they had seen Bruce's tired, but happy, expression and an irritated Natasha beside him. They jumped up excitedly and ran over to them, almost tripping in the process. They hugged Bruce excitedly, having missed the kind male. He's nice and did help their boo boos heal.

" Hey squirt, " Bruce chuckled and hugged the younger back.

" We were just about to wake you up bug, do you know what today is? " Nat asked Yunno.

They almost didn't hear her. They were too busy burying their face into Bruce's chest and cuddling him. He's warm and they had realized how cold the room really was.

" Jesus it's freezing in here-" Bruce complained, though only got a giggle in response from the little in his arms.

" Yunno, love, can you answer me? " Nat asked of them again.

They lifted their head, blinking at her before remembering what she had said. Not much was floating around in that head of theirs, then again not much usually did when they were regressed. Yunno simply shook their head to her question.

" Today is thanksgiving. Do you know what that is? " she asked, unsure if it would be like how Halloween was.

Yunno felt their heart drop at the name of the holiday. They whined softly and his their face back into Bruce's chest. He mostly stood there in pure confusion. Both of them were confused. Nat gently ran her fingers through Yunnos hair in hopes it would calm them down.

" Bug what's wrong? "

" 'm don likes, " they attempted to explain, but frankly they didn't want to talk.

Not that they are all that talkative to begin with, but stressful situations always made it harder for the little to even spit out a since word. Nat sighed softly, thankfully understanding what they had meant.

" What do you not like about it little bug? " she attempted to get something more out of them.

" 'm don likes food, " they mumbled out.

However, the little had decided they were done talking. They let go of Banner then made their way to the bed, flopping back onto it and pulling Lance to their chest. They love Lance, Lance keeps them safe. So they'll always keep Lance safe! They listened to Nat sigh heavily, but eventually the two left so they wouldn't cause Yunno anymore distress. Today would be a very long day for the little.

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