Big Wounds

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Yunno's ears were ringing softly when they finally awoke. The light they were met with caused them to flinch. Out of reaction, they covered their face with their arms. Their head pounded, putting them in enough pain to pull them straight out of their comfort mind set. Personally, they rather stay in little space while like this, but they knew it wasn't possible. Pain was just too big of a trigger out of the headspace. Their hair fell over their face, gross and clearly needed to be washed too. They ran their hands through it before carefully opening their eyes.

Honestly, Yunno is surprised to be met with the familiar white, blinding bright, white rion the Avengers used as an infirmary. Looking around some more, they realized that they weren't the only ones resting in the room. Natasha was being patched up on their left, quietly watching Yunno while Banner helped her. Tony and Pepper were having some sort of argument above then, the usual Pepper trying to get Tony to rest and the man refusing to do so type thing. They spotted Steve falling asleep on the bed across from them to their right. He seemed to have slipped into little space from what they could tell. It made them smile.

Despite every nasty word that Steve has said, they smiled. Yunno forgave him, though maybe it wasn't the right thing to do. How could they be mad? They understood being angry and frustrated at the copping mechanism, even uncomfortable by it. It wasn't an easy thing to accept because people who didn't understand were so gross about it.

They were startled by shifting very close beside them. Enough so that they jumped and flinched- then instantly regretted it afterwards. The sharp pain of their side and head was not worth the reflex. From the pain, Yunno's eyes teared up. They tried their best to fight the natural reaction, but it wasn't going all that well. They looked to the moving source beside them to see a sleeping beat up Loki. His hair was so messy and clearly hadn't been brushed since the battle. Even his clothes were drenched in, what they could only assume was, their own blood. He looked calm and genuinely adorable.

" You're awake kiddo, " Tony suddenly spoke, they assumed to run away from the argument of resting.

" Mhm, " they mumbled out in response as they carefully reached over and tucked some of Loki's hair behind his ears.

Sharp pain shot up the side again, making then grunt and just lay there to avoid further pain. Loki didn't even wake up from the contact, he must've venue exhausted.

" Who is he? " Tony demanded angrily, though Yunno could tell the true anger wasn't directed towards them.

" Tony.. I don't think nows the time to throw questions at them, " Pepper protested.

" Are you really that stupid Tony? It's their cg from their world, " Nat responded with an eye roll so dramatic they could hear it in her voice. It made them snort.

" What are you laughing at little one? " she teased soon after. However, they only responded with a small shrug.

" Still not a talker, got it, " Tony huffed out, almost sadly. They didn't really understand why, it's not his fault.

" He's.. Juan Sebastián, technically my boyfriend not my cg. We've broken up so many times though that I've lost count, " Yunno whispered quietly, but the group that was awake seemed to understand what they were saying.

" Had he always had powers, love? " Pepper asked after a few minutes of everyone processing the words. Though, the question took Yunno some time. They didn't really understand why she asked.

" Stuff like that isn't real in my world, so he couldn't have.. " they responded hesitantly. Their head was starting to hurt more and more.

" Okay everyone, let's leave them to rest, yeah? Pepper can you dim the lights in that side so everyone can sleep without annoying lights, " Banner cut in, breaking the conversation up. Honestly, they're glad he had. Everything.. Was too confusing now.

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