Big Pickings

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" You should eat, you need to after getting hurt like that," Steve seemed to scold them.

They lowered their head more, poking more at their food. The table slowly went back to the way it was before they had sat down. Yunno was the only one not in a conversation, other than Steve and Sam. Though, they're pretty sure sam and Bucky are still trying to kick each other under the table. They were really trying, but it was hard.  

" Eat," Steve ordered in a stern tone. 

They flinched in response to the tone. It reminded them of things they really didn't want to think about at the moment. They lowered their head, letting their hair fall over their face. Their eyes burned. They felt like they were going to cry, but Yunno refused to let themselves cry. They're not a baby, they shouldn't act like one. 

" Eat the food!" Steve yelled in annoyance at them, catching people's attention this time. 

Yunno flinched, this time much more noticeably than before. They squeezed their eyes shut for a few seconds, though it felt like several minutes to them. They couldn't cry, not here. 

" Don't be such a jerk, Steve," Nat scolded the blonde. 

"It's rude for them not to eat the food made for them," he spits back harshly. 

" It's just as rude to force someone to eat something when they clearly aren't mentally well enough to do so, am I correct?" Loki cut into the conversation, making everyone go dead silent. 

They weren't expecting Loki to speak up about it. Yunno glanced up from their lap to the Norse God. He seemed to hold anger, yet kindness to him. It was so weird to see at the moment. 

" I wouldn't know," Steve commented. 

Yunno really wanted to get out of there. They didn't want to try to eat anymore. They lifted their head more as they heard Loki's chair slide back against the flooring, creating an awful screeching sound. The god left without giving another comment towards Steve. They were somewhat grateful. They didn't really want to be the reason that everyone broke into fights at the table. They don't need a real version of the Civil War movie. 

" Well, uh- if you'd like, Yunno, I can show you to the room that you can stay in while we figure all of this out?" Tony spoke up after a few minutes of awkward silence. 

It felt like it had been hours of silence, though. They slowly nodded their head, not removing their eyes off their lap. They pressed their lips together. They practically could feel the anger radiating off of Steve. It reminded them of their daddy. It is scary, and they really didn't like it. They wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. 

" Can we go now? I'm really tired, please," they asked quietly, hoping he could still hear them over the noise in the room. 

" Of course," Tony responded quickly. 

They looked up to him, seeing him with a soft and kind smile. They really liked how nice he has been to them since the beginning. They didn't understand why Steve is being so mean. Isn't he supposed to be super duper nice? They slip up from their spot carefully, watching Tony town whatever drink he had in that pretty glass of his then stand too. 

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