Little Halloween

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🎃 Halloween Special 👻
Part one

It is a cold day in October. Thankfully it's the last day of October. The little couldn't wait for November. They loved November because it snowed where they're from, their home town anyways. New York didn't usually get snow, unfortunately. Maybe they could convince the others to go somewhere where it did snow! They really wanted so see snow, with their new friends too! It would be amazingly great.

They ran from the stairs with Lance in their arms and plopped down on the couch in the common room. Yunno grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. They rocked themselves back and forth happily from the energy that rushed through them. Sometimes they physically expressed their emotions like this, especially when they're excited or really happy. Their brain couldn't process what to do with it so they just let it out a other way. However they never really knew why they did it.

Yunno never minded though. The little flicked through all the channels on the TV, seeing all the scary movies and shows, even Halloween specials of kid friendly shows. They didn't know what Halloween was. Or more like they've forgotten what it was. They've been in that closet for almost ten years, so it was bound to happen as a trauna response.

" What's Halloween? " the little asked as they looked over to the three Avengers in the kitchen.

Today they had a mission, but some couldn't go due to Yunno being there. So Natasha, Clint, and Loki stayed behind. Loki rarely went to missions anyways. They three stopped their conversations and looked over to Yunno in shock. It only confused them more to say the least.

" You don't know what Halloween is? " Nat asked in a calm motherly tone. She's always been patient with Yunno.

" No? " they mumble out hesitantly.

" That's not a bad thing darling, I have no idea what it is either, " Loki, presenting as female today, reassured the little.

They smiled at her, happy as can be from the reassurance that they're not alone. Natasha smiled softly at the god before walking over and sitting with Yunno. The little happily cuddled up to her.

" I cannot believe neither if you don't know what Halloween is, it's the best! " Clint announced in a fairly dramatic way.

Loki sighed heavily. She took her tea and joined the two on the couch, leaving Clint to ramble on and on about the holiday and how ridiculous it is that neither of them knew what it was. Nat eventually threw a book at him, provided by the goddess of mischief. It knocked the wind out of him and knocked him over. They're sure he's fiinnee... probably.

" It's a Halloween where people of all ages dress up and go trick or treating. Basically you go to people's houses and get candy, " Natasha explained to the two.

" And if they don't give a treat, we can trick them? " Loki asked with a playful smirk.

" No, unfortunately. If they don't give any treats we just leave. "

The goddess pouted at the news. Yunno giggled and smiled, giving her a hug to cheer her up. Of course, it worked.

" Do you want to do Halloween? "

" Yes! " Yunno spoke excitedly.

" I'm not sure we can get a costume, it's late, " Clint pointed out as he flopped onto one of the other couches.

" True.. "

" I can make one, " Loki offered.

" Oh, duh, magic, " Nat chuckled.

Yunno smiled and hugged Loki excitedly. The little was practically bouncing in excitement. They got up and jumped up and down, making grabby hands at the goddess. She sat up more fully.

" Well, what do you want to be darling? " she asked.

They stopped and tried to think of what they wanted to be. They pouted as they struggled to come up with something. Normally Yunno would've said one of the Avengers, but that's weird now that they know them personally.

" Unicorn! " Yunno announcing once they figured out what they wanted to be.

Loki nodded and used some magic to create a costume for the little.

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