Little Accident

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Yunno had gone to be later than they had meant to. They were binge watching their favorite show, or one of them anyways. They were watching My little pony. They were trying to sped run it so they could watch the new generation movie! But it didn't really work out unfortunately for them. They woke up early in the morning, maybe six am was the time. It sounded about right. They had felt really uncomfortable, plus the dream they had didn't help. They were dreaming of home with their daddy. It made him scares and uncomfy even though the dream was about him taking care if them and cuddling. They weren't really sure why he made then so uncomfortable now.

They felt wet. Really weird given the bed was supposed to be dry- oh no. Yunno quickly scrambled out of bed. The pants they wore and their sheets were wet. They had an accident. They eyes filled with tears. They're so embarrassed, how could they have let this happen? They thought they went to the bathroom before bed... but they did have snacks while watching TV. They broke into cries and sat into the floor. Recently Tony had programmed Jarvis to alert him when he detected their crying, mostly to protect them.

It took a whole two minutes for the billionaire to open the door in a panic. Yunno whimpered at the sight of him. It didn't take long for him to put two and two together. It made him feel awful that they felt ashamed of an accident. He rushed over and hugged them close, not caring how gross they were at the moment. The little needed comfort, and he was the only one awake enough to provide it.

" Hey, it's okay Yunno, I promise. They can be washed. It was just an accident, " he reassured as he rubbed their back in slow circles.

" b-but it's yucky! " they cried.

" Aw little one, " he spoke sadly.

It broke Tony's heart to see them like this. He gently rocked them and held them until their crying calmed down. It relieved him once it had. However, it definitely meant that they are sleepy now. He adjusted himself to look at them, smiling at the sleepy little that now sucked on their thumb.

" How about I run you a bath and change the sheets? You can even come sleep with me kid, " he offered.

They looked up to him in surprise. They never had expected Tony to be so nice. If anything, they thought he was going to behave like Steve did. They're happy he didn't, it made them love him more. They nodded and hiccuped from how hard they had been crying.

" Why don't you pick out something comfy to wear and I'll start the bath, hm? "

" Okis, " they whispered.

Yunno finally left Tony's safe arms to go to their closet. He left to the bathroom to make them a nice warm bath with lots of bubbles. It didn't take long for the little to find something they wanted to wear for new pajamas. They felt really sleepy though. They rubbed their eyes and sat on the floor again, holding the clothes in one hand while Lance was in the other. They felt really small from their accident and sleepyness.

" All done Kid. Does this happen a lot? " Tony asked as he walked back into the bedroom.

" Nuh uh- 'm just reallys smalls, " they mumbled out as they tried their best to get up.

Only for Tony to pick them up and bring them to the bathroom. He set their clothes on the counter with Lance too.

" Would it be okay if I got you something like pull ups? " he asked just in case as he set them onto the squishy rug in the bathroom.

It's memory foam or something, they didn't really remember but it's really soft and squishy. They nodded, not really thinking much about the question at first. However, eventually it did click right when Tony went to leave to go do the sheets.

" bu dere really yucky- and- and 'm don wana be yucky cause den no ones 'oves me& and- and-" they hiccuped out as they began to cry again.

Tony's gaze softed towards the little.

" Kid, it's not yucky if you need them, if the others think that then they're just yucky themselves. I'd be happy to help you with them, if you want them of course, " Tony reassured.

Yunno stared at him for awhile before nodding in defeat. They fidgeted with the sleeved of the hoodie they still wore. They still felt really gross, they needed bath time.

" Bu- no tell no ones, " they pouted at him.

Tony smiled brightly and laughed. It wasn't at Yunno, more with them.

" I pinky promise kid. "

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