Little Lunch

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Eventually, the pair arrived to this open floor. It had a bbiiggg kitchen and a living room across from it. It mostly was empty, but Yunno didn't mind. They looked around the living room while Bucky seemed to wander to the kitchen. Steve was in the kitchen, Yunno didn't even notice. They were too occupied with the big and nice tv. They wondered how movies looked on it. Daddy had never let Yunno have a big tv like this, or one at all. They weren't even allowed to have a phone, not that they really knew what a phone is anymore.

" Hey Yunno, are you picky with any food? " Bucky called from the kitchen, startling the poor little.

They say carefully on the couch, moving to look at Bucky. Steve stood next to Bucky. The blonde looked really scary, and taller than Bucky too! They wondered why Steve was taller than Bucky, isn't Bucky older? They pouted to themselves and set their head on the top of the backing of the comfy couch. It's so comfy, even more comfy than daddy's bed. They wished they had a couch like this at home.

" Helllooo, kid? " Bucky called out, sliding off the counter and making his way over to them from worry.

He may show himself as cold, but it didn't mean he didn't entirely hate all people. Besides, Yunno seemed slightly okay to him. Steve didn't seem to like Yunno that much though. They snapped from their thoughts at Bucky's words and shook their head.

" You okay? I can ask Banner if you need more pain meds or something-" he offered.

" I, okay, " Yunno reassured the older.

Bucky nodded, making his way back to the kitchen to help Steve. Yunno watched from their spot and chewed on their paci, mostly because they were scared if they used the tv they'd get in trouble. They may not he home, but they still should be good for daddy. Daddy always seemed to be watching anyways... Steve seemed to be really uneasy by them, it worried Yunno. Did he not like them? They didn't mean to upset him.

After some time, they two were done with a lunch for Bucky and Yunno. Or, more like Steve was done making lunch for Yunno and Bucky. Bucky didn't really cook much, usually why he pestered Steve to do it. The younger is gullible enough to fall for it. He cared to much for Bucky honestly. Yunno figured this all out pretty quickly. They knew the Marvel Universe well, and figured even after everything they're still really close.

" Lunch is done, do you want to sit at the counter or the couch? We can play a movie or something too if you want, " Bucky offered as he slid the plates out of Steve's way.

Steve didn't seem to mind as he cleaned up the kitchen. Yunno took a moment to think. They didn't like food, it made them feel gross. Daddy always commented on how it always made them look gross too, so they never really ate as a result. They hesitated before playing with the couch cushion in front of them a bit. Bucky sighed softly, making his way over as he did and sitting on the couch next to them. He carefully sat the plates on the coffee table then grabbed the remote.

" What's your favorite movie to watch? "

" Avengers! " Yunno responded without a second thought as they flipped around and threw themselves from the bad thoughts.

Bucky gave a dumb founded look. He was really confused, and Yunno didn't really understand why at first. It finally clicked a few minutes later. They look at their hands and shrug instead. They never really watched anything other than Marvel stuff. DC was too scary for them and they never cared for anything else.

" Umm... how about we watch Disney? " he asked.

Yunno nodded and shifted to sit forwarding, rather than backwards on the couch. They played with a charm that hung from their paci, honestly embarrassed. They didn't really know what to do. Bucky played the first Disney movie that he found, Mulan. Yunno watched or, very fixated on it as they ate. They were too distracted with the movie to over think the food in front of them. They ate allll of it! Bucky looked really proud when they finished eating too.

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