Little Morning Nap

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Yunno was dressed and comfortable. They sat on the floor in front of the foot of their bed, out of the way as Tony changed the sheets and made the bed for them. It seemed so strange to see Tony doing such a simple chore. He never seemed to be the type. They looked around and spotted Lance set over on their dresser. They crawled across the floor and sat in front of it. They reached up and pulled themselves to rest on the dresser. They pouted as they tried to grab the llama stuffie. It was just out of reach of their grasp. They whined, grabbing the attention of the older male in the room.

They plopped down, sitting back on their legs as they heard Tony walk up behind them. Yunno whimpered and cowarded down, almost curling up in their position. Tony grabbed the stuffie off the dresser and kneeled down besided them. He hadn't meant to scare them, but made a mental note not to walk behind them without announcing himself.

" Hey, I'm not gonna hurt you kid. I'm the super hero remember? "

Yunno looked up hesitantly. Their eyes met Lance first, then Tony's. He gave a smile before giving the stuffie over to them. They giggled and hugged Lance to their chest. They already seemed to bounce back from their sudden anxiety. Tony stood up and offered his hand to the little. With the bed sheets cleaned and changed, now they were heading to his room... or more like floor. They took his hand, their arm wrapped around the stuffie. They got up from their spot. The moment they had Tony popped a paci into their mouth. The action made them burst into giggles.

" So sweet, now let's go. You can sleep all morning if you need to kid, " Tony chuckled.

They nodded excitedly and so my followed him around like a lost puppy. However, they never once let go of their hand. Once they had reached the large room, the little ran from the door and jumped onto the king sized bed. It made their 6'3 frame looks small. They loved it. They giggled and rolled around on the bed,

" It does make you look small, huh? " Tony teased as he watched them.

They stopped rolling around, laying on their side and looking at him. Yunno giggled and hugged Lance close to their chest, of course never going anywhere without the stuffie. Tony came over and flopped onto the free side of the bed. It made them roll over to see him. They curiously watched him get comfortable in the bed, yawning before falling motionless. Yunno pouted, but understood that he is very tired. They tucked themselves in and hugged Lance close. Tiredness finally hit them as they laid there.

" Do you want a story? " Tony asked out of nowhere.

They blinked and looked over to him. They noticed he had turned onto his side to face them now. They did the same, moving to face him. However, they curled up unlike him. They nodded curiously. He smiled at their agreement. He began to tell them about the battle with ultron, however the little didn't have the heart to tell him they already knew.

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