Little Christmas pt.2

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🎄Christmas Special🎄
Part Two
Final Part

Yunno and Vision played with their gifts for hours and hours. Vision made sure that Yunno ate their meals. However, as dinner came around the team still wasn't back. They should've been back by now, it made them really sad. They were quiet as a result, more quiet than they usually were. It made Vision sad to see. He tried to cheer them up, but in the end he knew how much the team meant to them so they couldn't really do anything about it. After dinner, they sat in the living room and watched some Christmas tv that was still running. Vision let the little cuddle into his side.

Suddenly, the doors of the temporary home slammed open. It startled Yunno and caused them to hide into Vision side, however, the human-like machine didn't seem nervous at all. So, they peeked out from their new hiding spot to see the team. They lit up and ran straight for Nat first. After they went to Loki, then Wanda, and bruce. Tony was last, not that the man cared. He didn't like physically affection that much. Yunno pulled Loki to the pile of gifts they had gotten, showing them all the cool new things they got. The team sat down and began exchanging and opened gifts. The home was loud and busy again, it made them so happy!

" Here, I got this you bubby, "Nat spoke up as she gave Yunno a medium sized box.

Yunno nodded and crawled over to her. They sat in her lap, which she gladly cuddled them up, as they opened the gift. Inside was a cute dog dressed up in the black widow suit. They lit up and giggled loudly, cuddling the new stuffies close.

" Aw man, did we all end up with the same gift? " Tony sighed out sadly.

" Did you guys really do the same thing as me? " Natasha questioned while trying not to cackle.

" I didn't, but they did, " Loki teased.

Yunno smiled happily and opened the gifts anyways. They offered to get Yunno something better but having an army of stuffies that dressed like the Avengers honestly was the best gift in the entire world. Once they were all opened, the little launches themselves right into the pile.

" See, and now you'll never be alone before you always have us around, stuffie us and human us, "Bruce pointed out happily.

" Yeas! " they giggled and smiled.

" Why dont you open my gift? Mines better, " Loki announced proudly.

Yunno moved over to Loki and cuddled into her lap. The goddess smiled a little and cuddled them close, enjoying how close they were before they got too excited and opened the gift. She watched as they lit up and showed the team the Loki themed blanket and matching deco paci. They were quick to take the plastic off the paci and pop it I to their mouth, making the team laugh.

" Welp, looks like we lost to Loki this year, " Tony sighed in defeat.

" That is fully your fault, " Steve rolled his eyes, not that he cared all that much. He only agreed to get Yunno a gift cause 90% of the team threatened him.

The team eventually got comfortable in the living room, some on the couches and some on the floor. Yunno still kept in Loki's lap, enjoying the cuddles as the two sat on the floor. They were wrapped in the Loki themed blanket and still chewing away on the paci. It made them so happy. They all watched movies together for hours, however, after the third one Yunno had fallen asleep. They held the captain America themed bear in their arms as they did.

It made Steve feel guilty for being so cruel to Yunno all the time. However, he couldn't help it. He hated littles.

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