Little Ice Cream

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Natasha and Yunno mostly just walked around the mall. Natasha was waiting for Yunno to pick a store to look for. Though it wasn't going all that great. They didn't seem to focus that well and tended to just be in their own little world. It wasn't a huge deal though, it was one nine am by then, so rehy had all day. She just rather they didn't end up being there all day.

" Hey bubs, want some ice cream? " Natasha spoke up, finally grabbing their attention.

She sighed with relief. They looked at her with sparkling eyes. They love ice cream, though they're rarely allowed it at home. They nodded excitedly and let Natasha lead them to the shop that had ice cream. It came in this cute cup with an even more adorable spoon. They both sat down by the window in the small shop, watching people walk by outside. The mall was oddly busy that day. Yunno was practically inhaling the ice cream.

" Careful you're gonna give yourself brain freeze, " Natasha chuckled as she watched them.

Though the scolding was far too late. They had brain freeze. They whined quietly and set their head on the table. They didn't like pain, even small pain like brain freeze. They wanted to cry. Natasha gently petted Yunnos head, making them relax a little.

" I told you, be more careful next time bubs. It'll be okay though, it'll pass, " she hummed out softly.

Yunno definitely isn't used to seeing the softer side of Natasha. She's supposed to be this scary strong girl. They decided that they love both sides of her. They whined softly and set their head on its side. Their cheek pressed against the table as they looked outside. They spotted a store that had tons of pins in them. Their head already was feeling better really. Natasha was right! it would go away quickly. Yunno pointed at the store not that far away.

" Hm? You wanna go there? Hot topic? " she asked, seening confused by the choice.

" Mhm! " they responded back happily.

" Alright bubs, lemme finish my ice cream first. "

Yunno kicked their legs back and forth and waited for Natasha to finish her ice cream. They didn't want to he annoying and just drag her around all day. Plus, they rather enjoyed spending time with her.

" I don't want to be annoying, but you're a regressor right? " she asked suddenly, honestly scaring them.

They nodded and looked down to their lap. So many things went through their head. They're anxiety got really bad really fast. They fidgetted with their sleeves and hoped they could calm down.

" It's okay, I'm not upset or disgusted. I think it's cute. I know about it too, if you ever want to hangout just let me know okay? " Natasha rambled for a moment before pressing her lips together and sighing.

" I'm not asking to be a cg, maybe a babysitter? Just while you're here.. if that's okay Yunno, " she spoke once she finally found the words she wanted to say.

They lifted their head and looked at her. They seemed surprised and memorized by the very question.

" umms.. does dis mean I cans calls yous Nat? "

She laughed and smiled, making Yunno laugh.

" Yes bug, I'd love for you to call me that. "

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