Little Escape

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Finally, the noise had stopped. Yunnos eyes sleepily blink at the wall. They felt so heavy. Their hands slipped away from their ears and clung to the blanket wrapped around them. They felt so cold, they hated it. Their heavy eyes finally fell closed as they sucked on the Paci slowly, even chewed it here and there. They fell motionless while they finally got some needed rest. Their beaten body already were forming burises of all sorts of ugly colors. Their body still throbbed with pain. They didn't mean to be bad, they just really wanted to watch the movie. They found comfort in the Marvel movies, even comics. Though, they weren't big on comics because it was a lot to read and lots of big words. They hardly were big enough to read big words.

They whined softly as a bright light shine in their face. Yunno covered their face for a few minutes before remembering that the door is behind them and that Juan and that girl are asleep now. They peeked out from the blanket that protected them. Their eyes blinking in confusion at the, now, bright glowing blue circle on the wall. It looked really pretty. They went to poke it when the odd circle began to suck things in, including them. They screamed out, scaring those outside the closet. The doors flung open, causing the other two to scream in horror. Yunno screamed out for their daddy, desperate to be in his arms again but the man didn't do anything but watched. It broke Yunno. The portal sucked up Yunno before closing completely and leaving nothing but a small breeze in the room that died out eventually too.

Yunno kept their eyes tightly shut for many minutes. A strong breeze pulling them, or maybe pushing? They couldn't tell, it felt so weird. Their carefully opened their eyes. One hand clung to the blanket still wrapped around them, the other held onto their Paci that had fallen from their lips. They looked around the odd, well they didn't know what to call it really. Yunno saw glimpses of people. Some were in cities and some had powers, it didn't feel real at all. They curled up and pulled the blanket more around them. They chewed on the Paci sleepily. They just wanted to sleep, but whatever was this was too scary to sleep through. They hoped that whatever was at the end of this wouldn't hurt them.

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