Little Breakfast

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Yunno sat down at the bar stool. They placed their hands between their legs, holding onto the stool and leaning their weight onto them. Their hair fell a bit over their face while they watched Steve curiously. Natasha seemed to just sit and watch them. It felt like her eyes were burning into them. Were they doing something weird? They were trying to be normal, though they're pretty deep in little space at the moment. They shifted uncomfortably and looked away from the two. If anything Steve seemed to be the most uncomfortable out of them all.

Speaking of the older male, he slid a plate of breakfast onto the counter for the two. He seemed to go back to making more. Yunno sniffed it, feeling their stomach growl. They hadn't eaten much for dinner, so of course they're starving. They had to eat, they really didn't want anyone getting upset with them because they didn't. Plus they didn't want them to think that the food was bad. They poked at the food with their fork. They did try to eat some of it, and it tasted really good. They jumped slightly once the elevator doors opened and out came a rather loud tony.

" You're still wearing that kid? " Tony asked as he walked over to the two.

Steve and Tony seemed to stare at each other for a moment before Steve gave him a mug of coffee and went back to cooking. Yunno wondered if they were fighting. They hoped it wasn't the civil war movie waiting to pop into this universes existence. Then again the two probably always argued over stuff.

" Well they don't exactly have anything else Tony, " Nat deadpanned.

" Ouch, " Tony pretended to be hurt, but just rolled his eyes.

They wondered what was wrong with their clothes. They still wore their daddy's hoodie. They love their daddy's hoodie, it smells good and it's super duper warm. They pouted and plopped their head in the palm of their hand. They kept poking at their food. They didn't feel hungry anymore.

" Don't be a jerk Tony, " Steve huffed and shoved his plate into his hands.

" Says you rude old man, and honestly I'm just saying. They've been wearing the same thing since they got here, " Tony huffed and gladly took the plate.

" Both of you stop being so childish. Yunnos only been here for three days, " Nat snapped at the two.

Though the two kept arguing back and forth anyways. Yunno couldn't really understand them anymore. Their head hurt. They slid their plate away from them and set his head and arms on the counter. They winced as Nat smacked the two males on the back of the head to get them to stop.

" Enough you man children, " she huffed.

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