Little New Years

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🎇New Years Special🎇
Final Part

" Yunno! Bucky! Come get some popcorn and sit with us! We don't have much time until the ball drops! " Tony yelled excitedly for the two littles that were running around inside still.

However, the words from Tony made them quickly bolt outside. Bucky went and sat in Sam's lap, who gladly cuddled him close and talked to him pointing out all the cool things that they could see from the hella pad. Yunno on the other hand didn't know who to sit with. They pouted before being pulled down by Loki and sat between him and Nat. They smiled at Loki and giggled, getting cuddles from both of them.

" Trying to escape from us, huh cutie? " Nat teased before tickling Yunno, who squealed and giggled in response.

" I'm sure Yunno was just confused who to sit with, " Loki hummed as he watched the scene.

" Dada, helps! " Yunno giggled as tears pricked their eyes from laughing so much.

Loki smiled a little and picked them up. He placed them mostly in his lap and smothered them in cuddles. Nat couldn't help but chuckled at the scene.

" So cute, " she praised.

" But how dare you steal them from a tickle fight! " she announced playfully.

" Steal? I saved! " Loki shot back in a playful manor.

Yunno smiled and wrapped their arms around Loki. They clung to him and hugged him happily. Soon enough it was getting close to count down. Bucky was stuffing his face fill if popcorn as Sam struggles to get headphones on him, but managed to. Most accidentally, forgot to give Yunno some. They were all too busy and excited to remember, even the little. They adjusted themselves to sit in Lokis lap so they could see, who gladly adjusted their hold on them. He didn't seem to mind when they moved around all that much.

" I've never seen one of these before, are you excited? "

" Yeas! 'M haven't eithers, bu daddy's always let's mes watches its ats homes wif hims! " Yunno explained, however it made Loki sad to hear.

The Avengers have been gathering bits and pieces of this daddy person, finding out small bits of all the awful things they've done to the little. They all agreed to protect them for as long as they stuck around in their universe, and treat everyday like it was the last.

" Well, I'm glad you have some good memories attacked baby, " he hummed as he fixed their hair.

" Its starting! " Tony announced excitedly as he handed Steve his shampaine bottle to open and one for Sam to open with Bucky.

Bucky looked like he was going to vibrate off Sam's lap with excitement, he even got to help hold the bottle with same.

" Five! "

" Four! "

" Three! "

" Two! "

" One! "

The large group of Avengers shouted collectively together. Yunno tried to keep up, but they weren't very vocal to begin with either way so it hurt to speak so loud.

" Happy new years! " the team shouted as the shampaine bottles popped open.

Yunno giggled loudly as the caps of the bottles flung so far they flew off the hella pad! Poor soul who gets hit with that down below. Steve and Tony passed out glasses and everyone, but the littles, cheered and drank them. Fireworks began to go off, but Yunno was too distracted by hoe pretty New York looked to even be bothered by the sound. It was an amazing day, and one of their favorite holidays to celebrate! They hoped they could do it again with the team next year.

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