Little Christmas Eve

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☃️Christmas Eve Special☃️
Part One
Only Part

Yunno sat by the window watching as the snow fell from the sky. It looks so fluffy and soft. Yunno has never been outside while it snowed. Where they lived before, it didn't snow in their city. The Avengers were on a mission in an area that snowed a ton. They took Yunno with only because there wasn't anyone who wasn't going onto the mission. Yunno had strict orders to stay inside the building with vision. Although, they really wanted to go touch the snow. Soooo bad.

" You know you're not allowed out there, " Vision seemed to speak out of nowhere as he phased through the wall.

Yunno yelped and hid under the blanket. A small whine escaping them. They just wanted to see what the snow was like. The human-like machine gently touched his feet to the ground. He walked over and offered a hand to them. They stared at it I'm confusion before he gestured over to the tv that played Christmas movies. Yunno loves Christmas, it is the time of the year that Santa came! It was the best time of the year. Yunno is so sad though that they won't get to be in New York for the holiday. However, Tony promised that they would be for New Year's. That's enough for them to agree to come. Plus, they didn't want to be alone either.

Yunno followed Vision over to the couch where he played the Christmas movie. They didn't recognize the movie, but simple put choked it up to it being because they didn't really remember anymore. They cuddled Lance and watched the movie happily. However, they still kept they distance from Vision. They didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

" I tried to research some things we could do on Christmas Eve, " Vision began once the movie had finished.

" Watching holiday movies came up, also making cookies and drinking hot chocolate... and something about an old fat man? " he mostly questioned the last part with heavy confusion.

" Dats Santa! " Yunno giggled at the silly Vision.

" Right, Santa is the man's name, " he chuckled out and gave an awkward smile.

The poor human-like robot is not very experienced with children. However, the team tried their best to teach Vision what they could.

" 'm dunno hows to makes cookies, bu hot chocolates is really goods! " they giggled.

Vision nodded and made a mental note of that. He knew he could easily learn how to make the cookies, but he wasn't entirely sure if Yunno wanted to at all. He didn't want to ruin the littles time with him or the holiday for them.

" I will make some hot chocolate then! " he cheered before getting up and simply disappearing off to make the hot chocolate.

While he was gone, Yunno picked out what movie that they wanted to watch next. They curled up into the corner of the couch with the blanket they found on the couch. Lance never left their arms for a single second. Sure, they loved both the stuffies they owned, but Lance will always be their all time favorite. Once Vision had returned with the hot chocolate they watched movie for the rest of the night until it was bed time, well for Yunno.

" We gotta put cookies and milk out for Santa! " Yunno urged.

They liked sleep, so it wasn't like bed time was a big deal, but Tonight it was!! Santa was coming and they wanted to be prepared.

" Why? "

" Cause dats wat we leaves for tank yous! " they huffed like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

" Okay okay, cookies and milk then, " Vision agreed as he grabbed the cookies from the cabinets and a glass of milk.

He allowed Yunno to put them on a plate themselves, but after he went and set both down wherever Yunno wanted to.

" I can't wait to meet this man, " Vision spoke as he made sure neither the plate or cookies would fall off it's choosen surface.

" Nooo! Yous can't sees him cause he'll disappears and never comes backs. Sos yous gotta stays in your rooms until da Suns ups! " Yunno explained excitedly as they picked up Lance from the couch.

They gave her a good squeeze while Vision nodded. He was unfamiliar with Santa, so he was just soaking in all the information that Yunno was telling him.

" Okay, let's go to bed then, shall we? " he asked as he offered them a hand.

They nodded and took his hand, all ready for bed. Though excited, they still felt very tired from what little sleep they had gotten the night before.

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