Little Elevator

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Yunno is hungry. Now that they've taken a bath and gotten into super warm and comfy clothes, they realizsd they haven't really eaten yet. They didn't really like to eat, nor did they often, but they tried to at least set a goal for themselves to eat once a day. It's bad sure, and Natasha would probably kill them for it, but eating was a lot harder than it looked.

The little picked up Lance off their bed before leaving the room. They could take the stairs, but today they felt too small to be walking around a ton. They waited by the elevator while it came up to the floor. They watched their feet as they waited. Once it dinged they lifted their head and noticed a familiar face inside the elevator. They smiled happily and stepped onto it with them.

" Well good morning midguardian, " the loveable norse god greeted them.

Yunno giggled and waved happily. Loki pushed the button for the common room floor.

" I love the uh- pins? You had gotten me. They've proven to be rather useful, " Loki thanked them as they showed the pin they wore today.

Today Loki wore a he/him pin. Yunno happily lit up over the fact that he even was using the pins in the first place. They were never sure if he would use them at all. They seemed more like an odd mortal thing to use.

" Have you rested well? " he asked in a calm, but soft tone.

They liked it. They nodded a simple yes. They did actually sleep fairly well, thankfully. The elevator began to make off Creeking sounds. Loki didn't seem very affected by it, but it made them nervous. Yunno has never been a fan of elevators, especially since they got motion sickness easily from them. They looked up the the ceiling of it and listened to the odd sound. They aren't sure it's supposed to make that sound...

" Don't worry, it does that all the time. Stark is just too lazy to actually get it fixed, " Loki explains as he gave them a small head Pat.

Yunno nodded and tried their best to ignore it. The elevator slowly came to a stop.

" See, everything is okay small child, " the god reassured once more.

The elevator began to creek louder before it suddenly dropped down lower. The loud sound of a cord snapping ringing above them. Yunno broke into tears and fear. They clung onto Loki from fear. The god was riddled with his own fear, however he tried his best to contain it. Despite how much he despided touch, he held them close regardless. He knew he would never forgive himself if he allowed them to get hurt because of this.

" It's okay, I won't anything happen to you darling, " he reassured them as he gently petted their hair.

The two weren't that far off in height from each other. Loki is a noticeably inch taller, but he's one of the only avengers who are even taller than them. Well, beside thor obviously. Thor is the tallest avenger, not counting Hulk anyways.

" Sit with me, " he asked of them quietly.

He sat down first, gently pulling them down with him to nudge them in a way. They sat beside him, still clinging onto him and quietly crying. Even when upset they had a hard time using their vocal cords. They were never too sure why it was so hard to talk, even in little space. Loki carefully eased the little into his lap, who happily complied. Poor Lance had been disguarded on the opposite side of the elevator from their fear.

" It'll be okay, someone will notice and help us. For now let's just relax, okay? "

Yunno nodded hesitantly. Loki sighed quietly. He held them close, gently rocking them back and forth. He rubbed their back a bit to comfort them. Natasha had given him some help with comforting and helping the little. He had asked, it was awkward, but he managed to ask. They nuzzled into his chest, slowly calming down. Loki summoned a book, a children's one. Probably best to not ask where it came from. He set it against his knee, holding it with one hand as he read it to them. He didn't stop rocking them either.

They didn't know they were tired. When they first got out of the bath they felt energized to say the least. However the norse gods actions is definitely putting them to sleep. They cries reduced to sniffles. It was getting hard to keep their eyes open now.

" I loves dada, " they whispered sleepily as they nuzzled into him.

They slowly dozed off while Loki had stopped reading from the parental name. It had caughten him off guard to say the least. He felt happy, but nervous at the same time. He let out a heavy sigh and continued to hold them. Maybe being a parental figure wasn't such a bad idea for the god.

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