Little Night

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Yunno tossed and turned for hours. Well, it felt like hours anyways. They weren't really sure why, but they couldn't sleep. Actually, they do know why. They're used to smaller placed than this. It's not than they didn't feel safe, it's more that it's unfamiliar. They know they're literally in the safest place in the world.. well they think so anyways. They rolled to their side and sighed in defeat. They cuddle their pillow close and curl up around it. Maybe it would be easier to sleep if they were in little space. They weren't sure anymore, but they're desperate for anything at this point.

They slowly slide out of the bed, keeping the pillow close. They slip their Paci into their mouth in hopes it'll help them slip. Their eyes watch the windows curiously. Yunno always loves the night sky. it's pretty, but New York looked so much more pretty at night. They've never been to New York until now. They lived in a little town in Texas. Obviously, they don't go places much. They rubbed their eyes and pulled the Pacifier from their mouth.

" Wish I wasn't alone, " they complained quit to themselves.

" Are you having trouble? " a voice spoke, startling Yunno.

They blink and leaned their head back onto the bed. Their eyes now focus onto the ceiling. It took a moment for them to realize who it was. Their eyes sparkled with excitement.

" Jarvis? " they questioned, keeping their voice down out of habit. It is still night time after all.

" Yes? " he responded.

" ahhh! " Yunno giggled to themselves and smiled.

" I'm sorry- I got excited, I'm Yunno! "

" I know, I was informed of who you were, " Jarvis explained.

They just stared at the ceiling in amazement.

" You're so cool! " they giggled. Their cheeks hurt from smiling already.

" Thank you. Shouldn't you be resting? It's 1:35 am. "

" I can't sleep, " Yunno told the AI sadly.

They went from happy to sad pretty quickly. They hugged the pillow and brought their head forward. They held onto the Paci still, more afraid to loose it than anything. They buried their face into the pillow.

" Is there anything I can do? Maybe I can wake someone, " Jarvis suggested.

" No! I- I mean, no thank you. Please don't wake anyone.. umm- I don't know. Maybe, could you read me a story? " they asked a little hopeful.

" A story, sure. What kind? "

" Hmm, something cool! "

" Okay, let me see what I can find. "

Yunno had decided that they loved Jarvis. He's so much cooler in person. Is Jarvis a he? maybe Jarvis has different pronouns. Now they're worried that they're misgendering the AI.

Jarvis informed them of a story they had found, which they are really excited to hear. They slid back into the bed and slip their pacifier into their mouth. They chewed on it as they listened, slowly slipping. The more Yunno slipped the more tired it made them. They knew deep down that they are truly tired, but they just couldn't ever sleep in big space. Even at home it was hard. Yunno feel into a calm and deep sleep. Jarvis fell quiet once the story was over, leaving them to rest through the rest of the night- or more like early morning.

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