Little Bookstore

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Yunno took Loki's hand into their free one. They pulled the two towards the store. Natasha couldn't help but laugh and follow. Loki didn't seem all that amused by the action, but they seemed to be almost thankful. Loki was the one who opened the door for the three. They let Yunno go in through first, then Natasha before letting himself go through. They looked around the store, mostly Loki. Yunno was holding their hands but eventually held their sleeve instead. It was their compromise. They weren't a fan of touch and Yunno really wanted to respect that. Though it still seemed that they really didn't mind their touch deep down. Whatever the reason they'll respect it.

" ooo- I see a good book, I'll be back. behave yourselves, " Natasha told the two before slipping off.

Yunno just kept attached to Loki, watching them curiously and looking at the books here and there. Loki only really reacted with a small nod.

" Do you like to read? " Loki asked suddenly, probably the only thing they've said since they've walked into the store.

" huh-? oh umms," they trailed off.

They chewed on their sleeve and attempted to think what they liked to read. They were slipping more than they cared to admit.

" You alright? "

" 'm sorrys, " they mumbled out to him through their sleeve.

" It's okay? I'm not really understanding why you're apologizing. You've done nothing worth apologies. "

" Is like da pretty books, " Yunno mumbled.

They looked around before seeing one of the children picture books. They pointed to it, which really only made Loki confuse. They didn't really understand why they had such an interest in a child's book. It confused them if anything. Natasha came around and picked up the book. Yunnos eyes lit up as giggles escaped them. She handed the boom to them, which they gladly accepted. They flipped through the book.

" Regression, " Natasha told Loki as she joined them.

" I don't understand, " Loki informed her.

" Basically their mind reverts to a time where they were a child, a time they felt safe. It's a way to cope with things that's happened to them, " Natasha continued to explain.

" Oh, " They mumbled out and looked to Yunno.

Yunno was looking at the pictures in the book happily. Eventually they finished the book and pouted a bit. They looked up to the two and blinked in confusion.

" umm..? "

" If you'd like Loki you can stay here I can take Yunno clothes shopping, " Natasha spoke up.

Yunno just stood there confused still. They didn't know why they were both looking at them. They pouted at the subject change. They watched the two talk, Loki asking a question or two. They weren't really focusing enough to even understand what they were saying. They looked to Natasha's hand as she offered it to them. They giggledamd happily took it. They handed the book to her free hand and she put it back for them.

" Say bye bye to Loki. We'll see him a little later, okay? "

" Them, " Yunno pouted at her.

She gave a confused expression and looked to the Norse God. They seemed to tense at the correction and look away. It was awkward between the three before Loki finally decided to answer.

" I'm uh- gender fluid as midguardians would put it. I'm also sorta species fluid if that is able to be understood, " Loki explained, clearly nervous by their tone.

" Oh, why did you never tell anyone? " Natasha asked, clearly fine with Loki's gender. They seemed very confused that she was. Yunno found it funny.

" My brother knows, but I'm not very vocal about it otherwise. It's not usually important to mention I suppose, " they shrugged off.

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