"Like a date?"

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I laughed at Nathans expression when Kelsey decided what to ask him for his truth. Holly blushed.

"He doesnt really have to answer." She murmered. Tom let out a laugh.

"Oh, no. Please, Nathan, tell us." I said, grinning as Holly glared at me.

"Well, um, I cant remember exactly. I mean, Im a guy who was standing next to a very beautiful girl. Its not hard to guess what I was thinking." Holly's blush deepened as he said that. The boys laughed and Max patted Nathan on the back.

The game continued for another hour or so. Tom ended up drinking the least and Holly and Kelsey drank the most. The dares had got progressively worse throughout the game and me and Nareesha had the best time just watching eveyone. Me and Jay had continued to share small sheepish grins at each other. During the game, he'd moved from sitting across the room from me, to sitting on the floor directly infront of where I was sitting with Nareesha on the sofa. He would look back at me from his spot on the carpet and smile, causing me to giggle quietly and Nareesha to 'aww' and nudge my shoulder. He was so cute.

After the game, everyone started chatting to each other. Nareesha had just started telling me more about herself and her job, with Siva hanging onto her every word, when I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Jay behind me, the cutest expression on his face.

"Can I steal you for a second?" He asked. I giggled.

"Um... sure. I mean, if thats alright." I looked at Nareesha. I didnt want to seem like I wasnt interested in what she was telling me. She just smiled and said 'go ahead'. Jay grinned and took my hand in his, leading me into the kitchen. Holly raised an eyebrow but I just shook my head, a huge smile on my face. Jay shut the kitchen door and turned to me. I smiled slightly, a light blush covering my cheeks.

"I got you something." He murmered, turning to get something off the kitchen bench. He handed the wrapped gift to me. "Its only small but..." He drifted off as I unwrapped the present. I started laughing.

"This is really perfect actually. Thank you." He had bought me some new paints, pencils and a sketchpad. It was really good quality stuff too. "I needed some new paint" Jay seemed really relieved that I liked his gift.

"Well, I was just walking past this art place and it reminded me of you so I went inside. It took me while because I didnt realise how many types of paints there were and then I had to decide on colours. And that took me a forever. I dont know your favourite colour. So, um, yeah..." I cut him off by reaching up and kissing his cheek.

"I love them. Thank you." He blushed slightly and I giggled.

"I was wondering, if youre not busy, um, do you want to go out sometime?" He looked down as he spoke.

"What? Like a date?" I asked, my excitement building.

"Um, yeah. Like a date. I mean, it doesnt have to be. I just... I really like you so..." I giggled again. He was too adorable.

"I really like you too." He lifted his head quickly.

"You do?"

"Yeah. And Id be more than happy to go on a date with you." His smile, after I said that, was huge.

"Great! Um yeah, I'll give you my number and you can text me." He grabbed a pen from the kitchen bench and wrote his number on my hand.

"We still have that double date as well." I reminded him.

"Yeah, I havent forgotten." Just as he spoke I heard Holly call for me.

"We'd better go see them." He nodded and looked down at me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him. He buried his face between my shoulder and neck. "Thanks again for the art stuff. I really appreciate it." He hugged me tighter.

"Youre very welcome."

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now