Sleep tight, beautiful x

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"You look amazing by the way." Jay murmered in my ear as we got into the front of the car. He opened my door and let me get in first before getting himself.

"Thank Holly. She did all the makeup and the hair. Oh, and she picked out the dress." Jay chuckled.

"I love that about you." He smiled warmly at me before turning his eyes back to the road.

"What? That I have absolutely no interest in fashion or anything like that?"

"No. Youre just... youre different. From other girls, I mean. Its refreshing." I blushed and he could obviously tell I was embarassed because he took my hand and rubbed his thumb in circles over my skin. "I mean it." He had a huge smile on his face and I giggled.

"What?" He asked, laughing with me.

"Nothing." I giggled again and Jay laughed with me, dropping it. I loved hearing him laugh, and I made it my goal to make him laugh more.

We continued to giggle about absolutley nothing until we reached the restaurant. It looked very fancy, not somewhere me and Holly would usually go.

"Well, if it looks this good on the outside then I bet it'll be amazing inside." Holly murmered to me as we walked up to the door.

"Yeah, I know."

We were seated at a table and continued to talk to each other before we ordered. I laughed when Jay ordered vegetarian pizza.

"What?" He asked.

"I didnt know you were a vegetarian." Jay grinned.

"Does it bother you?" He asked, the smile disapearing from his face.

"No! No. Definately not. I wanted to be a vegetarian when I was about 12, but my Dad wouldnt let me." I giggled at the memory. "He likes his meat. As do my brothers. So it wouldnt have really worked."

"How many brothers do you have?" He looked genuinely interested, and a little nervous at the thought of overly protective brothers.

"Three. Conan, Keigh and Kaleb." I smiled at the thought of my bothers. I loved them all so much.

"How old are they?" Jay asked, his body turning to face mine.

"Caleb is 30, Keigh is 26 and Kaleb is 7. My parents adopted Kaleb when he was a baby. His parents died in a car crash." Jay's smile faded.

"That poor boy." I smiled sadly.

"He doesnt remember them. Like I said, he was only a baby when they died. He thinks my parents are his biological parents. He doesnt know any different. We'll tell him when he gets a little bit older, but for now we dont really mention it." Jay nodded.

We continued to talk, the conversation lightening up. He told me about his family and I told him about mine. From what I gathered, Holly was telling Nathan about her mum so I tried to make sure Jay wasnt listening. I know Holly wouldnt want him to know right now.

Later on, Holly and Nathan emerged from the toilets, both blushing slightly with huge grins on their faces. Id have to ask Holly about that later. I knew something had happened.

We payed the bill and Jay led me out to the car, holding my hand tightly in his own. Once we were all in the car, Jay turned the radio on and I found you came on. The boys laughed and we all started singing. Yes, me. Quiet shy Evaline, who has literally only sung in front of Holly, sang along too. Granted, I wasnt singing loud, but it was really fun and Jay was holding my hand the whole time, making sure I was alright.

"I'll see you later." I murmered to Jay as he said goodbye to me.

"Yeah, we still have that date dont we?" He smirked and squeezed both my hands, which were clasped in his.

"Yep. But you still havent told me what we're doing or when we're doing it." His smirk got wider and he thought about it for a second.

"How does this sunday night sound? I know the perfect place." He looked as excited as I felt.

"Um, yeah that sounds good. What time?"

"Is 7 alright?" I nodded and he smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist to hug me. I stood on my tiptoes so I could kiss his cheek. He beamed and looked back at me.

"Good night, Evaline." The sound of my full name usually sounded funny, but from him it sounded right.

"Night, Jay." He kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand before walking back to his car with Nathan. Holly was already inside so I followed her in after waving bye.

"Aaah!" Holly squeeled, jumping up and down next to me, clapping her hands, as we walked into the kitchen.

"Woah! Calm down, honey!" I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her. She had the biggest smile on her face.

"He kissed me Ev!" She squeeled again.

"I knew it! I knew something had happened! But seriously, in the toilets? Could it not have been somewhere a bit more classy?" She giggled.

"I dont care!" I chuckled and went to the coffee machine.

"So, you told him about your mum?" She had stopped bouncing up and down and looked at me.

"Yeah, well, I figured I shouldnt hide it from him." I nodded, passing her a cup so she could make herself some tea. "And I told him about my quiet place." I stopped pouring the coffee out.

"Really?" Holly hadnt told anyone apart from me and her father about her quiet place. I'd driven her to the park a few times so she could go but even I had only been to the place once with her. So to say I was surprised was an understatement.

"I feel like I can open up to him. It's strange. I havent felt like this about anyone else." I smiled and rubbed her arm.

"Thats ok. It just means you trust him, thats all. Its a good thing." She nodded and sat down on one of the kitchen stools.

"So, when are you next seeing Jay?"

"Um, he wants to go out this Sunday, if thats alright with you." She smiled.

"Of course. I'll speak to my dad and Liam while your out. I havent spoken to either of them for a while."

"Thats good. You need to keep in contact."

"I know." She sighed then looked at the calendar. "When are we visiting your parents?"

"Um, in about two weeks, I think." I was excited to see them again. About once every two months, me and Holly would fly over to Ireland to see my family. My family had moved back to Ireland from London a few years ago now, but I stayed here with Holly, so it was always nice to see them. Our family was very close, and I missed every single one of them. Especially little Kaleb, who followed me everywhere whenever I visited.

"Ok, thats good. I'm excited." I grinned.

"Me too."

After about half an hour, Holly decided to go to bed and I followed shortly afterwards. It had been a long day, and I knew I couldnt stay up late drawing tonight. I was physically exhausted. I hopped in the shower quickly to relax then changed for bed. I checked my phone before I turned the light off and noticed a text from Jay.

Sleep tight beautiful x

I smiled warmly and replied back with a simple,

Good night x

, before turning off the light. I fell asleep smiling shortly afterwards

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now