Eye rolls and giggles

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Holly's pov

I woke up not feeling hungover at all, which I wasn't surprised at because for once, I didn't have that much to drink last night. Jay and Tom (parker not mcguiness) were the worst, they drank practically the whole bar! They were really taking advantage of the fact that we owned the club and the drinks were free for them. Me and Nathan got a taxi around 1, which meant we were a few of the first to leave, and Nathan dropped me off at mine and Eva's flat before taking the taxi back to his. I did offer to pay my half of the fare but being the gentleman that he is, he refused, saying that he would pay all of it.

After getting showered and dressed I decided I would call the girls to see if they wanted to do something today, the girls being kelsey and Nareesha. They agreed and Kelsey asked if she could being her best friend Kelsey who she ran a dance company with. Of course I said that would be great and we arranged for them to come over in about and hour. Right on cue, as I hung the phone up, my stomach rumbled with hunger, so I turned and walked into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast.

Once I was finished, I picked up my phone from the table and phoned Eva. I imagined she'd be up by now, although she did have more to drink than me, which I found very strange. On the third ring she picked up. I figured she stayed at Jays when she wasn't here this morning, so I asked if she wanted to come back round and do something with kelsey, kelsey and nareesha. I also remembered that Jays mum and sister were visiting for his birthday so I asked if they wanted to come as well.

All the paperwork for the club was done and I had almost an hour before everyone came, so I made my way upstairs and into the music room. Our flat wasn't big, but we'd turned one of the two spare bedrooms into a music room, so that I could sing, write or play the piano when I wanted to. Playing the piano is something I had found I had in common with Nathan, and he said he wanted to hear me play sometime. I had agreed, but really I was very scared of playing piano or singing in front of anyone. Eva had heard me a few times and told me I was really good, but I still was too anxious to do it in public.

As I sat down on the piano stool, I ran my finger along the cold keys, I tried to think what song I should play. I settled on a familiar tune and started to play and sing.

"Well you only need the light when it's burning low,

only miss the sun when it starts to snow,

only know you love her when you let her go.

Only know you been high when you're feeling low,

Only hate the road when you're missing home,

Only know know you love her when you let her go,

And you let go."

I sung the rest of the song, eyes closed as I'd played it so many times I knew the notes, and really feeling the emotion. I love 'let her go' by Passenger, it's so sweet but at the same time holds a lot of feelings.

Managing to make the time pass by singing and playing piano, the doorbell went. Rushing downstairs, excited for today, I opened the door revealing Eva, Eleanor and maureen. I hadn't actually gotten a chance to speak to them much last night so I wanted to get to know them as did Eva I think.

* * * * *

Kelsey, Kelsey and Nareesha arrived soon after that and we all headed out into town for some lunch. Eleanor and Maureen were really lovely. Eva seemed slightly nervous at first but that was to be expected, and she became more confident as the time went on so that was good.

After the meal, Eleanor and Maureen went back to say goodbye to Jay and then head back up to Nottingham. The rest of us just went to mine and Eva's flat, and since all the girls were there, we invited the boys around and thought we would all have a movie night. It was going to be quite a squeeze as there were ten people, but we had two sofas and we put out beanbags and pillows for people to sit on.

We had so much food, everything from popcorn to pizza, but I still worried there wasn't going to be enough with the appetites of the boys. Noise erupted into the living room as Jay,Max,Nathan,Siva and Tom burst in through the front door into the living room where everything was set up.

Nathan and I were were sat on a beanbag, siva and Nareesha were cuddled on a sofa, as were Tom and Kelsey, and Jay and Eva. Max and Kelsey ann had both made a little seating area out of many cushions.

By the third film, everyone was getting quite tired - Siva was already asleep on Nareesha, which prompted eye rolling and giggles from her. Feeling the tiredness creep up on me, I yawned and rested my head on Nathan's chest. I felt him chuckle beneath me and kiss the top of my head causing me to smile and bury my head further into his chest.

The third movie had finished, and Tom and Kelsey decided to go home, as did Siva and Nareesha. Eva said Max and Kelsey Ann could stay here seeing as they would be going home to an empty house.

"Right so there's only one spare bedroom." I announced as I cleared the food away. Nathan was obviously staying in my room and Jay in Eva's.

"I call it!" Kelsey and Max both shouted simultaneously. Their eyes met and they burst into laughter.

"You can have it." Max said, while smirking at Kelsey.

"You know... it is a double bed..." I teased, making everyone laugh. Was Kelsey blushing? I would have to ask her about that later.

Max grabbed a pillow and blanket off the floor and laid them on the couch while insisting Kelsey took the spare room. Nathan, Eva, Jay and I headed upstairs to go to sleep, with Kelsey following not long after.

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now