"It's cute"

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Hollyanna's POV

We walked out to jay's car, so Ev sat in the front next to him and me and nathan sat in the back. As we were driving to where ever the were taking us, ev and jay were chatting and giggling in the front. Nathan leaned over to me, looked me in the eyes and said quietly "You look stunning tonight". I could feel my cheeks burning up and nathan chuckled at me "so embarrassing" I whispered to myself, referring to blushing about his comment. "It's cute" he replied, obviously hearing me.

The car pulled up outside a fancy restaurant about 15 minutes later and nathan stepped out, then offered me a hand to help me get out aswell. He could be a real gentleman. The four of us walked through the doors of the fancy restaurant and Nathan walked up to the desk with a waiter behind. "Sykes, table for four" he said, he must have booked it. "Of course, right this way" the waiter replied, motioning us to follow him. He sat us down at a booth and handed us our menus, before walking off. Jay and ev sat one side of the table while me and nathan sat the other side. We all chatted together before the waiter came back over and took our orders. It was an italians so me and nathan had spaghetti bolognese, ev had lasagne, and jay had a vegetarian pizza.

Throughout dinner we sort of split off. Ev and jay had their own conversation and me and nathan had ours. We had talked about all sorts, our favourite movies, where we grew up, and now nathan was talking about his family. I was sort of dreading telling him about mine beacuse he didn't know my mum had passed away. To be honest I didn't really have much family only my dad, my brother, who I don't even talk to very much and and some great aunt somewhere that I haven't even met. That's why I liked hanging out at ev's parents place when they had everyone round because her family was so big and they were all so close. They were like the family I never had.

By this point nathan had finished telling me about his family and asked me about mine. Well, here goes. "Well I don't really have any family." I said kind of sadly. "What do you mean?" he asked me. "well, I've got my dad who I'm quite close to, and then I've got my older brother,liam, who I don't really see much of because he lives in australia wiht his girlfriend, and that's it." I said plainly, leaving out my mother. "What about your mum or grandparents?" nathan asked carefully. "Well, my mum passed away when I was 7, so my dad raised me by himself and all my grandparents have died aswell. Also, both my parents were only children so I've got no aunties or uncles,or cousins for that matter. Thats why im so close to Eva's family. Her mother is the closest thing I have to a mum." I looked up at nathan who had a sad look on his face. "I'm so sorry" he said apolagetically. "Why? It's not your fault" I answered, to which nathan gave me a small smile. "There's this place," I started, "In a local park that my mum used to take me to when I was little. It's a little clearing away from the main path of the park. There's a mini pond there with ducks and there's a gap in the trees above it so at night you can see the stars. Me and my mum used to go and feed the ducks there every weekend and sometimes she'd take me there when it was dark and I'd lie down on the grass and look up at the stars while she read me a story. Now I just go there to think, or to get some quiet." I don't know why I was telling him this. The only people in the world that knew that was my quiet place was ev and my dad, and I was telling Nathan when I'd only known him a week was it? I don't know, there's just someting about him that makes me feel as if I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge me or tell anyone. "It sounds beautiful." He said finally. " It is" I replied, a small smile playing on my lips.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I told nathan, jay and ev, and I walked off to the back off the restaurant and found a door, which opened up to a little room with gents,ladies and disabled toilet doors around the room. You could tell it was a fancy restaurant because there was a brown leather sofa in the middle of the little room where you could sit if you were waiting for the bathroom to be vacant. Luckily the ladies bathroom was empty so I went in. Before leaving the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and touched up my mascara and reapplied my lipgloss. As I was leaving the toilet and walking in to the little room thing to go back to the table, I bumped into someone. "Sorry" we both said, ony when I looked up did I realise it was Nathan. "Sorry" he said again, this time looking down at me, looking into my eyes. I couldn't help but look at his, were beautiful.

That's when he started to lean in. His hand was already round my waist from when he had stopped me from falling when we bumped into each other. Then his lips met mine. It wasn't heated or anything, it was soft and gentle. It was perfect... even if we were out side the toilets. He pulled away and we just smile at eachother. "You just wiped off all my lipgloss" I said, a smirk appearing. "well it tasted good" he said chuckling. This made me giggle "You're so cheesy" I laughed "C'mon" he said leading us back to our table. We sat back down at our table and I looked over at ev and jay. They both had their hands out in front of them onthe table, but jay moved his hand over to ev and took her hand in his. I accidentally let out a little 'awww' and they both turned to look at me and ev blushed slightly. That's when I felt nathans hand take hold of mine under the table and I let a smile spread across my face and turned my head to look at him. He too was smiling.

We sat together, once again having a group chat before jay and nathan payed for the bill. We we in Jay's car again half way home, when I found you came on over the radio. We all had a massive sing along a laughed so much, even eva who's normally really shy and quiet. When we reached our flat jay and nathan walked us up to the front step. Jay gave ev a kiss on the cheek, as did nathan to me. The they smiled and walked back to jay's car and drove off.

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