"I thought we could... celebrate."

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"So, do you like your surprise then?" Jay pointed around the club as I sat on his lap.

"Yeah, I do. Even though I think you went a little overboard on the decorations." I said, nodding towards the balloons that covered the place. Jay laughed and pulled me closer, kissing behind my ear.

"It was all Holly. I just went along with it. But I'm glad you like it." He said before he kissed me. I kissed him back, smiling slightly. We got interrupted by Conan hitting me lightly on the head. I frowned at him as he laughed.

"No kissing while the brother is around." He said, smirking. Jay laughed, putting his head on my shoulder.

"You're so annoying." I muttered, hitting his arm.

"I'm annoying? Out of me and you, I think you're the most annoying. I can list countless times as kids..."

"Ok, let's not go into those stories Conan. For my sake." I said, knowing he was about to tell some very embarrassing stories about me as a child. Jay laughed against my cheek.

"Oh I'd love to hear about this." He teased. Conan laughed.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you. There was this one time..." I groaned as Conan started to talk.

"Ok, I'll go find Holly now." I said, hopping off Jay's lap. Jay winked at me before turning to listen to Conan. I giggled, shaking my head and going off to find my best friend.

Holly was stood with Kelsey and Nareesha, laughing about something.

"Finally parted from Jay, I see?" Holly said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"You can talk. You've been staring at Nathan for the past hour." I defended myself, earning a laugh from Nareesha and Kelsey and a scowl from Holly.

"Not true." Holly said, sticking her tongue out at me. I did it back, giggling.

"I think we should go out together again sometime soon." Kelsey said, taking a sip of her drink. I nodded.

"We should. What about next week?" I suggested.

"Sounds good. I'll text you later on this week..." She was interrupted by Tom hugging her from behind. She giggled and they soon went off together, teasing each other.


"Just ask her!" Jay begged as we sat back down. We had just said bye to my brother, who had left to go back to the hotel he was staying in. Most of the people had gone, as it was late, and me and Jay were planning on going home soon. He was currently begging me to ask Holly to stay with Nathan tonight.

"Why do you want the house to ourselves anyway?" I teased, smirking. I knew exactly why he wanted the house alone.

"Well, it's your birthday. I thought we could... celebrate..." He trailed off, smirking back at me. I giggled.

"Well, I am a little tired to be honest. Maybe it would be better if we just went straight to sleep..." I teased back. He pinched my side, laughing.

"Oh really? You and me both know you won't want to just sleep when we get home..." He said, grinning. I blushed, ducking my head into his neck making him laugh.

"Fine. I'll go ask her now." I got up and went over to Holly, dragging her into the toilets with me. I asked if she would stay at Nathan's. She agreed. I knew that she would be happy spending the night with Nathan. The two of them were literally inseparable. I could tell Nathan would do absolutely anything for Holly. It was very cute.

"So, what did she say?" Jay asked as soon as I got back. I grinned.

"Looks like we have the house to ourselves tonight." I said, smiling widely. His face lit up.

"Ok, let's go then!" He said, taking my hand. I laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Someone's eager to get home..." I said, smirking at him. He pulled me closer.

"I have a very good reason to be." He whispered, making me blush again. "Come on." We walked outside and I frowned at the paparazzi that were outside. Jay wrapped me in his arms and we pushed through them, grabbing the nearest taxi. He made sure I got in safely before getting in himself.

We reached mine soon after. Jay payed the driver before we both hopped out of the car. Jay reached the front door first, frowning when he realised he didn't have the key. I walked up the steps, laughing when I saw him bouncing up and down impatiently.

"Again, you're very eager to get into the house." I mused, smiling as I got the keys out and put them in the door.

"Like I said, I have a very good reason to be eager." I opened the front door, letting him in and immediately taking off my heels. My feet were killing me. Jay laughed at the now big height difference between us.

"I have told how small you are, haven't I?" He said, wrapping his arms around me.

"Many times." I said back, putting my arms around his neck. "And it's very annoying." He chuckled.

"I'd better make it up to you then." He muttered back, bringing my lips to his. I laughed slightly before kissing him back.

"You're sure about this?" He asked. I smiled.

"Very sure."


My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now