"Too delicate for ink."

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I woke up the next morning to Jay lying with his head and arm on my stomach and Holly whispering my name loudly in my ear beside my bed. I sighed and moved my arm across my eyes, accidently hitting Holly in the face with my elbow in the process.

"Ow! Eva!" She shouted. I turned and looked at her.

"Why are you in my bedroom and why are you so close to my face?" I mumbled, annoyed. Jay stirred, probably from Holly shouting. He looked up at me and Holly, shook his head and shut his eyes again, snuggling further into my side, throwing his leg over mine.

"I was trying to wake you up. Now will you get out of bed?" She said, taking my arm and pulling. I couldnt be bothered arguing with her, I was already awake now. I untangled myself from Jay, followed her out of the room and down into the living room where Max was sleeping.

"Look." Holly said, pointing around into the living room. I peered my head around the door.

"Aw!" I whispered. Kelsey Ann had joined Max on the sofa and the two of them were surrounded by blankets and cushions, curled up next to each other. She had her head on his shoulder. It was so cute.

"There is definitely something going on between them." Holly said as I shut the door. "Even Tom's Kelsey said that last night." I nodded as I saw down on the kitchen bench.

"We'll have to ask. It would be so cute if they were though."

"Cute if who were what?" I turned and saw Max walking in the room.

"You and Kelsey." Holly said. He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck and blushing.

"She just didnt want me to be alone on the sofa, thats all." He claimed. "What, its true!"

"Whatever you say Max."


Max and Kelsey left straight after breakfast cooked by Holly. Nathan and Holly decided they were going to spend the day in our music room because Nathan was dying to hear Holly perform ever since I'd told him how good she was. I was more of a music writer. I've played piano since I was five and when Holly heard me play when I was 10 she had literally made me sit for hours on end and teach her until she knew absolutely everything she could. And that was before she found she could sing.

As soon as I told Nathan this he was dragging her straight into the music room. I laughed at her reluctance. Bless her.

Not wanting to interrupt the love birds, Jay decided he wanted to go get the tattoo I designed for him. He was so excited which made me pleased.

"How much does it hurt?" I asked his as I drove to where his favourite tattoo artist was. Jay was directing me since I had no idea where we were going. All I knew was that we were in the very heart of London and we were 5 minutes away.

"Umm it depends. Sometimes it's worse than others. I'm used to it now I guess." He explained, tracing his compass tattoo with his fingertips.

"I could totally get a tattoo." I stated as I parked the car. His eyes widened. I laughed. "What?"

"You are not getting a tattoo." He said. I laughed again.

"Why not?"

"You're just... You're skin is too delicate for ink. You're too fragile." He said, taking my hand and kissing my fingertips.

"Not even a small one though?" I said, smirking. I was teasing him really. I'd probably chicken out at the last second if I ever did decide to get one.

Jay looked at me.

"I mean, if you really want to then I'm not stopping you but..." I smiled at him, leaning over and kissing him.

"I've changed my mind anyways." I said. He laughed, shaking his head.

"Come on you. You stick to designing the tattoos and holding my hand when I get them."

"Sounds fine to me." I said, hopping out the car.

"Jay!" A man shouted, walking out of the back room when we walked into the parlour. He was tall, maybe just an inch shorter than Jay, with tattoos covering his arms and piercings everywhere. His light brown hair was average length, with some of it falling over his forehead. He pushed it back out of the way with his hand. I'd probably be scared of him if Jay wasn't stood beside me with his arm around my waist. He grinned though, and his dimples made him look a lot less intimidating. "Come for another one?"

"Yeah, I told you I'd be back soon. Matt this is Eva, my girlfriend. Eva this is Matt. He has done nearly all of my tattoos." Matt smiled warmly at me and shook my hand.

"He doesn't trust any other artist." Matt said, grinning again. Jay laughed. "Ok, so is it just you Jay?" Matt asked, looking at me.

"Yes." Jay said rather quickly. I giggled, thinking back to the conversation in the car. "Um yeah, it's just me."

"Ok well I'm free all afternoon if you want to do it now?" Jay nodded. "Got a design?" Jay nodded again, pulling out my design an handing it to Matt. Matt grinned.

"Where'd you get this? Is pretty damn good." Jay smiled and nodded towards me.

"She's good isn't she?" He said, pulling me closer. Matt nodded.

"I'd hire you if I had the money." He said. I laughed. "You ever inked someone before?" I shook my head.

"Nope. I wouldn't trust myself. I'd mess it up." Matt shook his head.

"Not with drawing skills like that you wouldn't." I blushed, thanking him quickly, not liking the attention at all. "Ok mate. Lets get started."

Matt led us to where his equipment was set up. Jay sat down with me next to him. He explained that he wanted it on the inside of his left arm as there was no room for anything more than a couple of inches big on his right arm. He wanted it all in black too, like I had drawn it to be.

Once he had explained all this, Matt got to work. I looked on intently, watching him get prepared, tying a red bandana around his head to keep stray bits of hair out of his face. Jay winced when the needle first touched his skin. I smirked.

"I thought you said you were used to it." I teased. Matt laughed.

"He would say that."

It took a few hours. About half way through I resorted to doodling on a scrap piece of paper Matt gave to me as the two boys talked about the band, albums and touring. After a while though it was finally done. I took a picture quickly before Matt wrapped it up in the bandage it would have to stay in until it healed properly. Jay was so happy with the end result. It looked really good.

I payed for the tattoo since it was his present from me and we left soon after, Matt promising me any tattoo I wanted in the future for half the price, much to Jays annoyance and my amusement.

"Thank you for that beautiful." Jay said, kissing my hair as we walked down the road past the river side to get to the car. The sun was just setting. I rested my head on Jays shoulder.

"You're welcome."

"I love you." He murmured into my hair. I smiled.

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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