"Its nice to meet you."

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*Three days before Jay's birthday*

"Eva, what are you doing? You've spent the whole week drawing the same thing. What is it?" Holly peered over my shoulder and into my sketchbook. She was right. I had spent days trying to perfect it, 'it' being Jay's birthday present. He had been saying he wanted to get another tattoo for a while, so I had decided that I'd pay for him to get one as part of his birthday present. But I had also decided that I would design the tattoo for him, so it would be a bit more personal.

"Eva, why are you drawing a key?" Holly asked as she took my sketchbook out of my hands and looked at my design of a vintage key. It was a simple design, but it suited Jay and I was proud of it.

"You know when I said I was going to pay fo Jay to have another tattoo?" She nodded. "Well, I thought I could design the tattoo myself." I explained. Holly aww'ed.

"Thats so cute! But why didnt you just draw yours and his intitials or something?" She asked, handing the sketchpad back.

"I dont think we're that far in our relationship. What if we broke up?"

"True. But I dont think you will split up. You're like an old married couple." She said. I laughed.

"Yeah, well you and Nathan arent far behind." I said, picking up my pencil and returning to my drawing.

"True." Holly said, sitting down opposite me and picking up a magazine to flick through. "Jay's family are coming down tomorrow aren't they?" She asked.

"Yep. Well, his twin brother Tom, his sister and mum are. His other brothers couldn't come down. Neither could his dad." I said.

"You look nervous." Holly stated, looking at me.

"I am." I said, biting my nails. It was a nervous habit of mine.


"What if they don't like me? Like, what if his mum hates me?" I sighed, slumping in my chair.

"Eva, why on earth would they hate you? I don't know anyone who hates you. Or even dislikes you. Well, maybe Liam... But you get my point. You don't have to worry." She smiled sympathetically.

"I just want to impress them, that's all."

"Show them some of your artwork and you'll have that sorted." She said. I rolled my eyes. "Eva, you'll be perfectly fine. Just be yourself... But maybe a bit less shy."

"Oh god, what if they think I'm too quiet?!" I said, sitting up straight in panic. Holly groaned and slouched in her chair.

"Eva, stop worrying!"

****Next day****

"Eva, you look perfect." Jay said, standing behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist as I looked in the mirror. He kissed my shoulder softly and met my eyes in the reflection. "Please, stop worrying about why you look like." He said. I had spent the morning making sure I looked the best I could before meeting his mum, brother and sister.

"I just want to look reasonably presentable." I explained, turning and kissing his cheek as he rested his head on my shoulder.

"Well, I'd say you look more than just reasonably presentable." He said, smirking and kissing my neck.

"Of course you would. You're my boyfriend, you're trained to say that." He shook his head, chuckling.

"No, I'm just telling the truth." He leant in and kissed me just as the doorbell sounded. "Ok, come meet the family. Or half of them for that matter." I giggled making him smile, and took his hand, letting him lead me down the hall to the front door. As soon as he opened the door he was wrapped in a huge hug by his mum.

"I told you to ring me every week. I haven't had a phone call in three weeks, mister." His mum said straight away, standing back and taking his face in her hands.

"Sorry mum. I got a little sidetracked." He explained, blushing slightly and rubbing the back of his neck. I giggled, catching his mums attention.

"Oh! You must be Eva. I've heard so much about you!" I breathed a sigh of relief as she hugged me. Jay winked at me over her shoulder before turning to his brother and sister and hugging them.

"Good things I hope." I said, smiling. She laughed.

"Of course. Jay hasn't shut up about you whenever he has rang me." I smiled warmly at Jay. His brother looked over at me.

"It's true. You're all he ever talks about now." I blushed and Jay hit his twin's arm.

"Ok, enough with embarrassing me." He took the bags and started walking into the living room. I turned to his sister, holding out my hand.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She shook my hand and smiled warmly at me.

"You too."

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now