"I'm sort of in a band"

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Hollyanna's POV

We arrived at the club about 20 minutes after it opening. It was amazing! It was packed and people were everywhere, dancing and having a good time. I turned round to face Eva, she wasn't good in big crowds. She was eyeing the people, looking at how close together they were. I could tell she was feeling claustrophobic. I didn't want another one of her panic attacks coming on again, they scared the life out of me whenever she had one, so I took her by the hand and led her into a room at the back of the club. This was the finance office. She sat down in a chair and I got her some water.

"Are you gonna be ok if I go back into the club for a bit?" I asked her. I was desperate to have a look around.

"Yeah, of course I will. Go, have a good time." she laughed.

"Okay well, if you feel like coming out later, text me" I said, wanting her to have some fun tonight.

"Don't worry I wont." she replied. I laughed at this and gave her a hug as I left.

This place was really packed. It looked great. The music was playing and everyone was drinking and dancing. I decided to head over to the bar to get a drink before I started mingling. I walked over and sat on an empty stool, waving the bartender over in my direction. He walked over, before asking me what I wanted. He then poured my drink and placed it in front of me. One of the perks of owning a club- free drink!

"Don't worrry, I've got this" Someone said from behind me, moving to my side.

"Oh, no need, I own this club" I laughed. He was very good looking, and I thought he looked familiar.

"You own this club? No way!" he said, looking shocked.

"Way" I said lauging at his expression.

he laughed and carried on talking, "I'm Nathan" he said smiling.

"Hi, I'm Hollyanna" I said "But most people call me Holly." he smiled and took a sip of his drink.

"I'm sorry, but you seem familiar, do I know you from somewhere?" I asked curiously.

"Erm I'm sort of in a band" He answered hesitantly.

"Which band?" I asked him. I would get him to tell me.

"The Wanted" He said, waiting for my reaction.

"Oh yeah, now I know you. You're Nathan Sykes, right?" now I knew where I knew him from.

"You're not screaming? Most girls I tell that to go mental and I can never talk to them again." he laughed.

"Well you see, I'm not 'most' girls." I said slightly raising my eyebrow.

"So, how come you own this club?" he asked curious.

"Well, last year, my grandpa passed away, and we were always really close, so when he died, he left all his money to me, and let's just say, he was quite wealthy. So when I got out of college, I decided I wanted to open a club, so my best friend and I own it together." I answered

"wow. Where is she anyway?" nathan said

"She doesn't do well in big crowds, so left her in the finance office. She's probably drawing or something" I laughed.

"Is she single?" he asked.

"erm... yeah?" I answered confused.

"Great, I've got a friend with me who's also single. We should set them up" he said cunningly.

"Oooh yeah, good idea!" I had been trying to find Eva a guy for so long, this could be my chance. On the way back to the finance office Nathan told me about this guy. Turns out it was Jay from The Wanted. He was so Eva's type by the sound if it. I couldn't wait to introduce them. We walked back to the finance office to where Eva was hiding away.

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now