"You like him!"

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Evaline POV part 2

"Here." Holly passed me a warm cup of coffee whilst she took a glass of wine for herself. One of the best things about Holly? She makes the best cups of coffee in the world. She prefers tea herself, but will always make me a mug of coffee every morning. She says its a daily thankyou. Her way of saying 'thanks for looking out for me.' Its really quite sweet.

"Thanks." I curled up on the sofa, my legs to my chest, hands clasping tightly onto the hot mug. Holly smiled and sat next to me.

"Oh Eva... What are you like? You go out for the first time and end up falling in love." I shoved her shoulder.

"I have not fallen in love." She giggled.

"Whatever. I can see it in those eyes of yours. You like him, Eva. You like him!" Ugh, why does my best friend have to be so childish? She started jumping up and down. "You like him! You like him!"

"Holly." I warned and she stopped jumping around. "I dont like him. Not like that, anyway." I sipped from the mug, the heat scorching my throat.

"Eva, honey, you nearly kissed him. And you say you dont like him like that? Dont tell me that and expect me to believe you." I looked down at my feet, wrapped up in fluffy socks. Holly rubbed my arm. "It's ok to say you like him. You dont have to hide it from me." I looked at her.

"I like him, Holly. I really do." She beamed and a small smile tugged at my lips.

"Thats all I wanted to hear! And I have Nathans number, which means I can get Jay's number and..."

"Wait, wait, wait! Since when did you get Nathans number?" Holly's face lit up.

"He put it in my phone. I'm hoping we can meet up again." I laughed.

"You say that about every guy who's number you get." She frowned and hit my arm, causing me to laugh even harder.

"Do not! Anyways, Nathans different." I giggled.

"Ok, whatever you say. Im off to bed." Her eyebrows raised as I got up, taking the half empty mug of coffee with me.

"You mean, you're off to paint all night. Seriously, its weird how little you sleep." I rolled my eyes. It wasnt weird. Sleeping just wasnt a necessity to me. Art was.

"I'll see you in the morning. Get your rest. I'll put some water and tablets on the nightstand in the morning for the hangover youre bound to have." Holly literally got hangovers from just one glass of wine.

"Thanks Eva. Love you."

"Love you too. Night."


I made my way to my side of the apartment and changed into some old shorts and one of my brother's shirts I'd stolen from him on my last visit up to see family back in Ireland. It had paint splattered all over it due to its over use. I squirted the paint on the pallet, picked up the paintbrush and pressed it to the new canvas. I knew exactly who I was painting. The eyes, the lips, the curls. Yes, I liked him. I liked him a lot.

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now