Weird, stalker, freak person...

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We left the club an hour later, the four of us getting a taxi back to our place. We ended up taking the boys on a tour of the flat. They had only been as far as the kitchen before. We started off with the living room then made our way up to the bedrooms, bathrooms and the music room. They were both impressed by our music room, my favourite room. I had the grand piano from my family home in Ireland shipped over and was the first thing you noticed when you walked in. Holly had her area on the right side of the room where she sang, and the left side of the room was mine. The entire far wall was covered in CD's from every genre of music.

"Wow." Jay muttered under his breath. I giggled next to him. He pointed to the piano. "I'll have to hear you play sometime."

"Maybe tomorrow. Come on." He took my hand and followed me out the room. We walked through Holly's side of the flat next. It was actually quite funny how different the two sides were. She had clothes hung up everywhere, and her bathroom was full with every product you could imagine.

Me and Jay made our way to my side of the flat, leaving Nathan and Holly to do whatever they wanted. Jay laughed when he noticed the paint on the walls leading up to my room. I just shrugged, a small smile on my face, and opened my bedroom door.

"Sorry about the mess. I didnt expect any visitors..." He squeezed my hand.

"This is a lot of art work..." He trailed off, smiling as he walked around my room, looking at the drawings that were stuck to my wall.

"Feel free to look around. I have my canvas work in that corner, sketchbooks are over there and I have my photography in those albums next to my bed. Do you mind if I go get changed?" He shook his head.

"Not at all." Smiling, I grabbed a baggy tshirt and some shorts and went into my bathroom. It was only when I got changed that I realised I had left Jay in my bedroom with the painting I had done of him. My eyes widened as I went through the possibilities of him finding it. I came up with it being very likely that he would. It was standing up against the wall with my other paintings, right on show. I could have slapped myself for being so stupid and just leaving it there.

After waiting in the bathroom for five minutes, I knew I had to go back into my bedroom. Please say he hasnt seen it. Please. Yeah, that didnt happen. I walked back into my room, to find him crouched down in front of the painting, tracing his fingers over the lines. I walked over as quietly as I could and kneeled down beside him. My arm touched his.

"Hi..." I whispered. He turned to me, surprisingly with a smile on his face. He nodded towards the painting, smirking.

"Im your muse, huh?" I laughed, blushing.

"I guess so... You like it?" He nodded, pulling me to his chest and hugging me.

"Why are you blushing?"

"Because you probably think Im some weird, stalker, freak person." He laughed, kissing my forehead.

"Well, no, I wasnt thinking that. Maybe I was thinking that you're the most beautiful, talented girl in the world, but not a weird, stalker freak person. Definately not that." I giggled and hid my face. He brought his finger up to my chin and lifted my head so I would look at him. "You're amazing, you know that?" I shook my head.

"No, Im not. But thanks for saying it anyway." He chuckled and kissed me.

"Silly girl." He murmered against my cheek. "How about we go downstairs, raid your fridge and stick something on the TV? You can bring your photo albums. I want to see your photos." I smiled at his way of trying to stop my embarrassment.

"Sounds good." I got up and grabbed my best albums. I had spent years building them up, buying new cameras and developing the pictures.

As we went down the hall, I could hear the TV on in Holly's room. I knocked on the door. No answer. I peeked my head into the room.

"Awww!" Jay walked up behind me, laughing quietly. Both Nathan and Holly were asleep in the bed, Holly tucked under Nathan's arm with his head resting on hers. I quickly took my phone and snapped a picture of the two of them before shutting the door.

"Are they even together?" Jay asked as we walked hand in hand downstairs. I laughed.

"Who knows?" We went into the kitchen and raided the fridge, taking far too much food than was really necessary. We were both giggling like little kids as we took it all through to the living room.

We spent the whole night looking through my photographs, Jay asking questions with each one. I sat on his lap as we watched TV then cuddled afterwards. I grew tired and cuddled closer. He lay us both down on the sofa and wrapped his arms around me. I sighed happily and let my eyes shut, falling asleep.

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now