"Girls are stupid."

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I went in the shower and got changed as soon as we got back. I came downstairs once I was finished, tying up my wet hair that I hadnt bothered to dry. Jay was in the living room with Kaleb, both of them sat on the rug in the middle of the room. I smiled as they played with some sort of superhero action figures. Holly was sat watching the TV on the sofa and I sat down next to her, watching Jay and Kaleb and trying to contain my 'awww's'. Kaleb kept laughing at Jay, who was placing the action figures on top of his own head.

"Your hair is all curly and it's hiding them." Kaleb said, giggling. Jay laughed.

"They're hiding from the bad guys."

My dad came into the living room about 15 minutes later, sitting down beside me.

"Hi dad." I smiled at him. He pulled me to his side, hugging me.

"Hi angel." I grinned at my childhood name.

"Daddy, look!" Kaleb said excitedly, tapping my dad's arm. "Jay's been playing with me. He's really cool." We all laughed, Jay blushing slightly.

"Thats great, Kaleb. Do you mind if I have a word with Jay? Just for a minute or two." Kaleb sighed.

"Fine." Jay got up from the carpet and went to follow my dad out of the room. I smiled at him encouragingly and he smiled back before leaving the room behind my dad. Holly looked at me questioningly but I just shrugged.

After a very long wait, the two of them came back into the room. I was relieved to see both of them smiling with my dad patting Jay on the back. I waited until my dad left the room before asking Jay what they talked about.

"He just apologised for acting like he did yesterday. I said he didnt need to say sorry and then just confirmed that I wouldnt do anything to hurt you." He explained.

"Aww. You two are so cute." Holly said, smiling at the two of us.

"They're disgusting." Kaleb muttered under his breath. I laughed.

"Remind me of that when you get your first girlfriend." He shook his head.

"Girls are stupid." He said and both me and Holly gasped dramatically. "Except you of course. I like you. And ma. But thats it." I laughed.

"Ok, whatever you say."


We had dinner a couple of hours later. My dad said that it would be nice weather tomorrow and we decided we would go out somewhere, maybe into Dublin. Keigh couldnt come because he had school. He was in the middle of medical school, training to be a doctor. He still hadnt moved out of the family home, despite being 26. He couldnt afford it and my mum was perfectly happy with him staying. I dont think she wanted any of us to move out. Conan had left at eighteen, but lived in an apartment in the centre of Dublin so it wasnt like he was that far away. And whenever I came up to visit he always came back home whilst I was here. Mum hated it when I decided to stay in London when they all moved back to Ireland. I hated being so far away but I loved London to much to leave.

Kaleb went to bed at his bedtime. Keigh sat and read him a story before he fell asleep. I promised him I would read him one tomorrow. I was the best story teller, no matter how many times Keigh said he was.

We ended up watching a movie once Kaleb was asleep. I sat in the middle of Jay and Holly, who had the biggest smile on her face. I asked her why she was grinning like an idiot and she told about Nathan asking her out on a date. I was really happy for her. I knew she missed him, no matter how much she denied it. It was so obvious. Every time his name was mentioned her eyes would light up and she would suddenly become very interested in the conversation. I still didnt understand their relationship though. Holly said they werent actually together, they were just 'close'. So close that they just happened to kiss each other? Yeah, they were definately more than just friends.

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