"So, what do you want for your birthday?"

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Holly's POV

When I'd told eva about nathan asking me to be his girlfriend she had the biggest smile on her face and she awwed throughout. After I'd told her about my day, we decided to watch a movie then go to bed seeing as I was quite tired.

* * * * * * * * *

Eva's birthday was in a few weeks, so I was planning on having a surprise party for her at the club, it was quite handy not having to rent a place out.

I had texted nathan and asked if him and jay were free today to meet up as I wanted their help to plan it. He had replied saying they could meet me after their interview.

I showered and got dressed before heading downstairs to see if eva was up. She wasn't downstairs, she must be in her bedroom painting. Hearing my stomach growl, I decided I should make myself some breakfast, so I put some waffles in the toaster and waited. When they were done, I popped them on a plate and headed up to eva's room.

When I walked in I could see she had been painting for a while, so she must have woken up pretty early and have been painting since then. I took a look at what she was painting. It seemed to be a village scene? I don't know, but whatever it was, it was great like usual.

"Hey" eva said, noticing me standing behind her.

"Hey" I replied, walking over to her bed and sitting down while she continued to paint. "so what do you want for your birthday?" I asked, since I was planning to go present shopping soon and had no idea what to get her.

"I don't want you to get me anything" she replied. I let out a small sigh.

"Well I'm going to get you something anyway, so it might as well be something you want." I told her.

"Well you can just guess then because I have no idea" urgh this girl was impossible. I stood up and walked out of the room. I looked at the time on my phone- 11:46. I said I would meet nathan and jay at 1 so I decided I would get a head start and think of a birthday present and some ideas for the party.

Time flew by and soon it was nearly half 12 so I said bye to eva and got a taxi into the centre of town. We were going to have lunch at nandos and plan the party, so when I was nearly there I texted nathan. He told me they already had a table so when I got there I found them and just told the waitress I was with them.

I sat down and took off my jacket. Jay said hi and Nathan gave me a kiss on the cheek. We ordered and then it was time to plan.

"So I was thinking we have it at the club and invite loads of her family and friends." I told them. They both nodded and said it sounded like a good idea. "And we could take loads of her artwork and put it up, like a sort of art show" again, they nodded and agreed.

"How about me and the boys sing a few songs?" Jay suggested referring to the wanted.

"Oh yeah that'd be great thanks!" I replied smiling.

Over lunch we had decided on the food, the time, the guestlist and to make sure eva didn't get to panicky, we were going to just have the party in one half of the club, since it was pretty big, and to keep the guestlist small.

"Oh Jay, what are you going to get eva for a present?" I asked curiously, as we were leaving nandos.

"Well I'm going to get her a charm bracelet, but it's only going to have 3 charms on it..." He said with a smile creeping onto his face.

"What are the three charms going to be?" I asked wanting to know why there were only 3.

"One's going to be a J, one's going to be a heart and the other's going to be an E."

"Awww! That's too cute!" I said smiling away. Honestly, they were like an old married couple.

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