"You're quite small arent you?"

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Eva pov

I held onto Holly's hand tightly as she pulled me though the crowd of people. I was proud of myself, I was doing ok so far. I could see Jay with his back to me over in the corner and was instantly calmer. Holly noticed and looked back at me, grinning. We walked over to them and Holly was immediately wrapped in Nathans arms. I giggled at them, shaking my head and walking over Jay. They were far too cute for their own good. Jay still had his back to me, laughing with Tom. I touched his arm and he turned around, beaming when he saw me.

"Hi beautiful!" He pulled me to his side, wrapping me in his arms and kissing the top of my head. "How are you?" I shrugged.

"Good... now." I leaned into him more and sighed. He hugged me tighter.

"I saw the whole thing on twitter. You ok?" Kelsey said, standing next to Tom. I smiled at her.

"Yeah. It was going to happen sometime. I guess we didn't really expect it to happen this soon." Jay nodded as I spoke.

"We'll be fine. The fans will just have to accept that I'm with the most beautiful girl in the world." I blushed and shook my head.

We continued talking to everyone before Jay noticed I probably needed to get some air.

"Come on. We'll go outside for a minute." He took my hand and we walked through the club to get outside. He took us away from the crowd outside the club so we had our own space. I leaned against the wall, looking up at Jay's face as I breathed in the fresh air.

"You're quite small arent you?" I was taken back by his comment and looked at him, laughing. He was smirking as he held my hands in one of his.

"Well, you're quite tall." It was true. I was wearing heels and he was still a good few inches taller than me.

"I guess." I giggled again, making him smile warmly at me.

"I love your laugh." He murmured.

"How much have you had to drink?" I asked, smirking.

"Shut up, I do love your laugh." I giggled again, grinning at him. He laughed with me this time and bent his head down to kiss me. It was exactly a second later that we were both blinded by camera flashes. I immediately pulled away from his lips and dropped my head onto his chest. His hand came down onto my head, pushing down my hair so it covered my face. It was too late though. The paparazzi had the pictures, and were now shouting things at us. Jay began to shout back before I took his hand and rushed us back into the club.

"God, Im so sorry. I should have..." I pressed my finger to Jay's lips as he spoke.

"Its not your fault." He sighed. "Come on. Lets get back." We both made our way back to the VIP area where Nathan was sat with Holly on his lap. We explained what had happened to them, sitting down next to them. They both seemed quite shocked but Holly was putting a positive twist on it.

"Oh god honey." She said when I explained what had happened. "Well, at least now everyone will believe you and you can come clean." She had a point. And at least the fans would know the truth. I just hoped they would accept me and not hate me for being Jay's girlfriend.

Me and Jay sat talking for the rest of the night, talking and laughing as we watched Holly and Nathan dance. God, they were adorable. So so so cute.

"Eva, Nathans coming over to ours after we leave here. Maybe Jay could come too..." She hinted, looking between me and Jay. I laughed.

"If he wants to, thats perfectly fine with me." I looked at him smiling. He grinned

"If thats ok then Id love to." Holly clapped her hands together.


My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now