"Jaythan forever"

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Eva POV (again... hehe)

"What do you mean he's mad at you?" Holly asked just as the door opened. Kelsey walked in, looked around and grinned when she saw us.

"Hey, what are you doing in here? You're missing out." She said.

"Jay's angry at Eva and we want to know what happened." Nareesha explained.

"Anyway," Holly looked at me, "continue."

"Ok, so I was getting a drink and I kind of got talking to this guy. I dont know who he was but I was talking to him about the band and stuff. And then Jay came over and saw this guy and, um, yeah, he's not speaking to me now." I sighed and leaned back against the wall.

"So... he's jealous...?" Kelsey asked.

"Well, maybe. He said if i was going to make conversation I should do it with someone I know at least."

"Ok, so he's maybe a bit jealous and he probably doesnt want you talking to strangers. That's understandable. That guy could have been anyone." Nareesha pointed out. I nodded.

"I'm just going to have to go speak to him arent I?" All three of them nodded. I sighed, standing up fully. I checked my appearance in one of the mirrors on the wall before we walked out.

Jay was stood with Nathan, listening to something he was saying. He looked over the crowd of people a few times before his eyes met mine. I motioned towards the door leading to outside, wanting to talk to him someplace a little quieter. He nodded, saying something to Nathan before walking away. I pushed my way through people towards the exit, trying to ignore the claustraphobia that was quickly creeping up on me. I could feel Jay a few steps behind me so I kept going until i was outside on the street, walking around a corner where there was hardly any people . I stopped and turned around, Jay in front of me.

"Look Ev..." He started. I shook my head, making him stop.

"No... I just... Im sorry about before. I know I was stupid and I probably should have listened when I was a kid when they told us not to talk to strangers. And I realise that he could have been anyone and...um, yeah, Im sorry if I worried you or anything..." I glanced up at him, trying to see his expression. He smiled slightly. "But really, he was very nice. And I was talking about you the whole time, honestly." He chuckled.

"I'm not gonna lie, I was a little jealous too." He said. I laughed.

"Oh, I know you were." I said, smirking. He grinned.

"It's my birthday. I have a right to get a little jealous." He said, taking my hand.

"Do you now?" I teased, smiling.

"Yes, I do. But seriously Ev, I was slightly worried. I mean, what if he was a rapist? Or a murderer? Or some alien from a different planet?"

"You've been watching too much Avatar." I said. He laughed a little.

"Maybe I have. But I just couldnt imagine anything happening to you. I know he was probably a perfectly nice guy but what if he wasnt?" He ran his fingers through his hair. "Sorry I'm overreacting, I know. I just don't know what I would do if something happened. You just mean so much to me and..." He paused.

"And what?" I asked. Jay looked up at me, blushing slightly.

"I just... I love you." He said quickly, looking at me. "I know it might seem too soon to say that, but I do."

"I love you too." I said quietly, squeezing his hand. He smiled widely.


"No I'm lying." I said sarcastically, grinning. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh really now? I guess I'm going to have to declare my love to someone else then. Maybe Nathan..."

"I'm sure your fans would love that. Jaythan forever!" I said, laughing with him.

"Or maybe Siva... Jiva sounds better than Jaythan doesn't it? I'm sure Nareesha wouldn't mind."

"You're so strange Jay." I stated, giggling at him.

"Yeah, I've been called that before. Come on, lets go back inside. It's getting cold and I want another drink." He took my hand tighter in both of his and we started to walk back to the club entrance.

"Did you really think that guy was an alien?" I asked skeptically.

"Well, he did look a bit weird didnt he?" He said. I shook my head, chuckling. "What? He did! I'm sure his skin looked a bit blueish..."

"I think I might take that Avatar DVD from you. You've been watching far too much of it."

"Ok I'm definitely declaring my love to Nathan and not you now."

"Like I said before, Jaythan forever!"

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now