"This is never going to work if you don't trust me"

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Hollyanna's pov

I woke up to the sun shining through the window blinding me. I looked at the clock 12:32. Wait, me and Ev were going shopping today, why didn't she wake me up? I threw my clothes on. Skinny jeans, white converse, a white printed tee and my favourite leather jacket. I quickly curled my hair and added some light makeup before running downstairs to find ev sitting at the breakfast bar eating a waffle. "Why didn't you wake me up? We've hardly got any time to shop now" I asked

"I didn't want to wake you, you'd have probably shouted at me telling me to go away"she replied


"So, we ready to go?" She asked me

"Yeah, let me just brush my teeth"

* * * * * *

We took a taxi to town and we'd been here for an hour now looking for the perfect outfits for our double date with nathan and jay tonight. We hadn't found anything yet but we still had plenty of time. Nathan had text me saying they'd pick us up from ours at 7.

"That's so sweet of him, he's so cute getting you new paints" I said to ev. She'd just told me about jay giving her some new paints as a present last night.

"I know" she said with a slight blush on her cheeks and looking down at the ground.

"Did he say why he got you them?" I asked curiously

"No he just said he past an art shop and thought of me." she smiled, obviously thinking about him.

"Aww that's so cute! Ooh what about this one?" I asked picking out a dress on the rail.

"Its beautiful, you need to get it"ev told me. It was a white strappy that went just above the knees and the skirt bit flared out.

"Okay, now we just to get your outfit"

We walked around the shopping mall for about another hour before I found something that I thought Ev would like.

"Ooh this one's perfect for you, you have to get it" I said picking out a dress. It was strapless and had mid-thigh length skirt. It wasn't too girly though, just the way Ev liked it.

"Cmon you have to get it, you'll look gorgeous in it" I told her.

"Okay then" she gave in "now, we need some shoes"

"You're starting to think like me" I laughed as we headed of for the shoe section.

* * * * *

After we had payed for our things and caught a taxi home, I made us a late lunch before we started getting ready.

"Not too much!" Ev half shouted at me. We were in my bedroom getting ready and she had agreed to let me do her make up.

"There's hardly anything on your face Ev!" All I had done was put some light concealer on and she was already complaining.

"This is never going to work if you don't trust me" I pleaded with her

"Okay then, but please, not over the top" she agreed

After 30 minutes I was finished doing her hair and make up, I only straightened her hair so it didn't take long. I let her go and lookin the mirror to see herself.

"Wow, I didn't know I could look like this" she said quietly, looking at her reflection.

"Your welcome" I sang

2 hours had went by and we were both fully ready, when the door bell rang. Right on time.

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now