"We'll be fashionably late"

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So me and my friend (LoveMcGuiness) are going to write this by taking turns writing chapters. She's writing Eva's pov and I'm writing Holly's pov. It's going to be a jay fanfic and a nath fanfic all in one! enjoy.


I've never liked crowds. Ever. It's a sort of phobia of mine, lots of people packed into a small space. So why I had given up a photography career to help my best friend open a nightclub in central london I dont know. Some might call me stupid, but what was I supposed to do? Move back to Ireland, take photos of a few hills and trees and try to make a living from it? We knew this would be better, for both of us.

My parents weren't so happy about our arrangement. But they weren't happy about the photography either, or the art or the film studies and god they hated the music.

"Become a lawyer." They said. "Or a doctor." And hate my job for the rest of my life. No. I promised myself that I wouldnt do that.

I could see where my parents were coming from though. And I appreciated it. Being raised in a small Irish town just outside of Dublin, they wanted me to do big things, see the world. So I was doing just that. The club was just something that would help me along the way.

"Holly, hurry up. We have 15 minutes." I called through the bedroom door. Honestly, that girl was never on time.

"Well, we'll be fashionably late. Dont worry." She walked out the door, looking amazing, as always. Leave it to Holly to knock my self-esteem a little more.

"I dont worry." I argued. She turned around to face me, her eyebrow raised. Rolling my eyes, I walked past her to get my keys off the island in the kitchen. "Please, can we leave now. The sooner we go, the sooner I can leave."

"Honestly, I've never known someone who likes being alone so much. It's not normal. I mean... how are you going to get a guy if you hang around the house painting 24/7? It's not going to happen." She sat on one of the stools, flicking her hair over her shoulder.

"Maybe I dont want to find a guy right now. It's not high on my list of priorities." Putting my keys in my bag, I moved towards the front door.

"I dont think its ever going to be high on your list of priorities." I hit her arm.

"How many times have we had this conversation?" She grinned and walked down the steps to the street as I locked up.

"I just care for you, thats all." We hopped into my car. I wasnt planning on drinking much tonight. I'd just stand in the background and hope nobody came and spoke to me. But I'd probably spend most of the time in the toilets anyway, taking deep breaths and reminding myself there was no need to be scared of the crowd and that I wouldnt get crushed to death by them and that I could still breathe. It would be fine. I hoped.

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now