"I missed you so much!"

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I was so excited. Today we were going to Ireland. I hadnt seen my family in so long so I was literally bouncing up and down when I woke up. Jay had slept over last night. He was coming to Ireland with me and Holly, which made me even more excited. I couldnt wait for him to meet my family. I knew my mum would welcome him with open arms. She had been going on about me finding a boyfriend for the past couple of years. Now that I'd found one I was sure she'd love him. How couldnt you?

"Holly! Holly! Holly!" I jumped on her bed, waking her up. She groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"Ev..." She sat up, yawning.

"Come on! Get up! Get ready!" I skipped over to the bedroom door as I spoke.

"Where's Jay?" She asked.

"Kitchen. Im making breakfast before we go. Hurry up." I walked out of her room and down into the kitchen. Jay was sat at the table on his phone. He put it down as soon as he saw me.

"Someone's excited." He laughed, grinning at me. I stuck my tongue out at him, making him laugh more. "Im excited too." He said, smiling at me.

"Really? You're not just saying that?" I started on breakfast as I talked to him.

"No! Im really excited. I cant wait to meet your family." That made me smile.

"Im looking forward to it too."


We arrived in Dublin on time. The flight was fine, even though there was a little boy that kept kicking Holly's seat the whole journey. Both me and Jay thought it was hilarious. Holly thought differently and was very relieved when we landed.

We got a taxi from the airport out of Dublin to get to Malahide. Malahide is a seaside town just outside of Dublin. I spent all of my childhood in Ireland there and I loved it.

It only took around 15 minutes from the airport to reach the town. Jay was getting more and more nervous by the second. I took his hand and squeezed it, trying to reasure him. He smiled at me and squeezed my palm back.

My family home was near the docks, right on the coast. The taxi drove up to the house and Jay offered to pay. Holly was already out of the car and at the front door, hugging my mother as she opened the door. I helped Jay get the bags out of the car before walking up to the front door. I barely got half way before I was attacked by Kaleb. I laughed, picking him up.

"Hey you!" I laughed. Kaleb giggled, grinning at me, dimples showing.

"Hi!" He said, laughing. I hugged him tighter.

"I missed you so much!" I tucked his brown hair behind his ear.

"I missed you too! Lots and lots." He said in his adorable irish accent. "Who's that?" I turned around and saw Jay standing behind me, smiling warmly.

"Thats Jay. Go say hi." I put him down and he ran over to Jay. Jay crouched down so they were the same height.

"Hi Kaleb." Jay stuck his hand out. Kaleb looked at Jay's hand for a few seconds before shaking it.

"Hi..." He smiled shyly. I chuckled and mussed his hair.

"Go on you. Get inside." He looked up at me before running off into the house. Jay stood up.

"Well, thats one brother down." He said, grinning at me as we took the bags and headed towards the house. I laughed.

"Dont be so nervous. You'll be perfectly fine. I can..." I was interupted by my mother.

"Evaline!" Again, I was attacked by another hug. Holly laughed.

"Hi ma." I could see Jay grinning as he watched me and my mother.

"Oh, look at you! So beautiful!" I blushed and she laughed. I looked a lot like my mother. We had the same brown hair, pale skin and we were both quite small. I had my dad's green eyes.

"Ma! Mammy!" Kaleb ran over, tugging at my mums hand. "Have you met Jay yet?" Jay looked over to me and I moved closer to him, holding his hand in mine. Mum smiled at the two of us, clasping her hands over her heart.

"Nice to meet you, sweetheart." She brought him into a hug. "Its nice to finally meet the man Eva has spent the last week talking about over the phone." I blushed.

"Ma!" Mum grinned at me.

"Come on. Your brothers and father are in the kitchen." She turned around and headed towards the kitchen. Jay looked at me, surprise covering his face.

"I told you she would love you."

My Love Will Be Your Armour (Nathan Sykes and Jay Mcguiness fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now