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Third person

Today was the game, Danny was antsy to get into his outfit. Though he had to contain his excitement while he was in his ballet class. They ran through the dance with him leading the solo one more time knowing he had to leave for the soccer game.

"THIS IS YOUR FINISHER! LEAVE IT ALL ON THE FLOOR!" Mr. Takashima praised Danny as he did his 10 pirouettes. As the music ended and he stayed in his finishing pose. His chest heaved in and out as he caught his breath, the class began clapping for him allowing him to let go.

"You left it on the floor alright!" Sarah came over praising him more. Others did the same excited for him to be leading the upcoming recital.

"HEY!" Mrs. Takashima shouted clapping her hands to get their attention. "This is not social hour! Many of you are still off count! You have no reason to be cheering until every single one of you are PERFECT!" She snapped at them, everyone went quiet facing their teacher with respect. "Daniel you are dismissed."

"Yes ma'am" Danny said quickly running to the locker room to change. Their school colors were orange white and red dying his hair white for high school paid off. He changed into his cheerleading outfit a red and white half jersey with orange high waist skirt. Their skirts came thigh high but the red shorts helped. Danny had the option of wearing pants instead like the other male cheerleaders but they were mostly tumblers. Danny did everything the girls did so he felt like he needed to match them.

He slid up his white knee socks with red stripe around the shin and tied his red game shoes. Standing in the boys locker room looking like this, Danny felt like a trap. Before his mind got too scattered he shut his locker and left to meet his team on the field. He briskly walked through the halls not making eye contact with anyone who didn't have on the same uniform. He ran downstairs too see Kendra and his sister Lori waiting for me at the door.

"You look good in a skirt" Kendra said to Daniel, he smiled and did a spin.

"Aw shucks you flatter this ol' gal" he giggled fanning himself. They laughed as we proceeded to walk outside heading towards the soccer field.


Kendall's foot was tapping the floor so loud that everyone in his history class could hear it. He was anxious about the game. He was just anxious to get out of this damn classroom and get out on the grass. The boy's blood was already pumping him full of adrenaline, getting him excited for the game. He wanted to get to the locker room and get ready.

Mr. Hendrickson, the history teacher, let out an aggravated sigh. The sound of the soccer player's tapping feet was beginning to annoy him to the point he couldn't teach. He looked at the clock and saw that the time for the players to leave was almost up. "Mr. Richardson, you may g..."

The giant flew past him, bag in hand, and was out the door before he could finish the sentence. Mr. Hendrickson shook his head while the other students laughed and shouted cheers to the star player. "Another year..." the professor mumbled, counting the days until his retirement.

Kendall flew through the halls. Any student he passed shouted "good luck!" or "go get 'em 6'8!!" to the athlete. Some just whistled or started hollering the school chants. It made the boy smile, he lived for this. The action of the game, the praise of the fans, and the exhilaration from hearing his name being shouted by the crowd. Some schools didn't typically have a lot of popularity in soccer. But Richard Penniman High did!

Kendall ran into the locker room and already saw Jelly and Travis there. "Who's ready TO KICK SOME ASS!?" he screamed, getting loud cheers from his teammates. They gave each other high fives and Kendall ran to his locker to get changed.

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